Hentai and the Church

  • Thread starter Thread starter Smellychicken501
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So recently I’ve been watching hentai (animated porn) and I’ve been trying to stop. Although I haven’t actually fully watched it in a while, I still do have a list of hentai’s that I still find interesting sort of like a watchlist. Is it still considered an act of sin to just have the list there? I’m trying not to watch hentai anymore, it’s just that I don’t necessarily want to delete the list because I spent some of my time making it up.
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I would say that the list constitutes a near occasion of sin. What possible reason could you have for keeping it? It sounds like you’re trying to rationalize keeping it, so that you can maybe consult it to go back to the hentai.

Hentai is porn. Porn is a sin. There’s no good reason to keep the list or to keep going back to that stuff. If you’re really serious about stopping, then stop completely and delete the list.

In confession we must have firm purpose of amendment. Do you really want to change your life? If so, delete the list.

You need to talk to a priest about this in confession, but my two cents:

Delete it
Burn it in a fireplace
Just get it out
It doesn’t matter how much time you spent making it, it should go.
“Put to death, then, the parts of you that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and the greed that is idolatry.” Col. 3:5
Put the list to death
It’s a near occasion of sin
Then go to confession and absolve never to watch it again
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