Her soul doth magnify the Lord

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In her Magnificat, Mary says, “My soul doth magnify the Lord.” When I look through a magnifying glass, the object on the other side comes closer and I can see it much more clearly. In my personal experience, Mary has been a kind of magnifying glass to me, bringing me closer to Jesus and giving me clarity with regards the Truth. I was what I would call today a cafeteria Catholic, going to Mass on Sundays and praying before I went to bed, but that was about it. I was not very knowledgeable about the Faith and I never went to confession. My belief in the Real Presence was weak at best. One day someone gave me some Rosary beads for my birthday and I decided to start praying the Rosary every day. After a couple weeks I decided to start going to confession. Then I began hungering for knowledge about the Faith and I read as much as I could (which eventually brought me here!). My prayer life has improved ten-fold and my desire to avoid sin has been strengthened likwise.

The Truth that is guarded and taught by the Church seems so crystal clear to me now and I truly feel that Mary did magnify the Lord for me, clearing my vision and bringing me closer to Him.

Has anyone here had a similar experience?
Yup!! right on. You and I could virtually be the same person. Glory be to our Heavenly mother for helping me to deepen my faith. I’ll also give thanks to our local associate pastor who is a saint in my book. Without his help and guidance I would still be wandering around in the dark. I have now walked into the light, guided by our Blessed Mother, Praise God!!!

I shall be a defender of Mary.
Awesome, maryj! My girlfriend also had a very similar experience. She began praying the Rosary everyday and shortly there after experienced “a big growth spurt,” as she calls it, in her faith. Especially given that opening line in the Magnificat, I was wondering if this was a common experience.
Ditto me, too!

I began praying the Rosary occasionally about 6 years ago. Then I came down with a serious illness that has become chronic, and I began to pray the Rosary every day.

I also have experienced a huge growth in faith about the Church, Jesus, the saints, the Mass, etc.! I never really put it together as beautifully as you, Genesis315, but I do believe much of my growth in faith is because of our Mother Mary!

She will never lead us away from Jesus, but always, always closer!
I had a similiar experience. At least in effect. I was never brought up in the faith. About 88-89 when my brother (who found the faith ) started to tell me about it, and I showed interest, began to explain it to me. His wife who was receiving instructions at the time gave me a book about Fatima. Grace seemed to flood my way. I did’nt know much about the faith. But boy did Mary take me under her wing.
i am so grateful for our Lady’s constant help and protection throughout these years. Truly a Mother.
The Rosary wasn’t the cause of my growth spurt, it was the result.

I was similar to you, a “cafeteria Catholic” until I had a series of experiences Lent 2004 that affected me profoundly. As a result, my faith grew by leaps and bounds, and one of the results of all this is now I pray the Rosary daily.

I love your analogy of the magnifying glass, because that is what the Rosary has done for me. I feel so close to Jesus when I pray the Rosary. I realize now the Rosary is the magnifying glass bringing the Lord into better focus. Thank you so much for your post. I never understood the meaning of “My soul doth magnify the Lord” but applying it to the Rosary and the magnifying glass concept, it makes so much sense. Now I understand and love the Rosary all the more.
Genisis and MaryJ the same thing happened to me by saying the rosary. I was in a job I hated ! My spiritual director at the time told me to pray for my boss. I use to hate when he would tell me that. So what I began to do was just say one decade in the morning, in the car, after dropping my children off at school. I didn’t offer up my rosary for any one or any thing I just said it. Then I noticed I began to change very slowly its like it snuck up on me. I too then began to want to read more about the Catholic faith, the lives of the Saints, attend adoration and much more. I realized during Adoration that it was the year of the rosary when I deepend my faith in the Catholic church, through the rosary I also realized that I was drawn to Adoration during the year of the Eucharist. The rosary is a very powerful tool. I now say the rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily.
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