So I had a discusion with my best friend who is a protestant and at a certain point he said this or somthing like this so somoene who is gay can just walk over to a progresive priest and say hey i have to confess somthing , i’m gay and be forgiven ( or somthing along those lines )
my response was it doesn’t work like that and thoughts that i commited heresy flew trhou my had because i know that you can be forgiven for above mention sin but didn’t say that because this thought so i moved on to a diffrent subject
is this heresey
also secondary question I have is how do you convince a protestant that there Bible is incomlete ?
my response was it doesn’t work like that and thoughts that i commited heresy flew trhou my had because i know that you can be forgiven for above mention sin but didn’t say that because this thought so i moved on to a diffrent subject
is this heresey
also secondary question I have is how do you convince a protestant that there Bible is incomlete ?