Heresy today in the church

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Heretical , just wanted to know how do we as faithful catholics deal with Heretics.
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TOS rule #3:
  1. Do not incite animosity towards anyone, especially the clergy.
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Do you have evidence this priest in good standing is a heretic or did you hear something third or fourth hand?
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Well as there is only one God, it follows that the God of the Old Testament must be the God of the New Testament, so the statement above suggests the heresy of Marcionism as far as I can see.
I’m no fan of James Martin, not in the least. I think there are many, many criticisms to be had of him.

That said, these types of threads are unproductive and are usually just an uncharitable search for validation for the people who start piling on. Let’s pick more spiritually fruitful hobbies, please.

Avoiding naming any names, you can report seemingly heretical priests to the relevant bishop, who would hopefully look into it (and provide corrections, etc).
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😱 You’re the first person I know who’s familiar with Marcionism. (Yes, I’ve heard it before.) The average Catholic has probably never heard the term, let alone know its meaning.

Re Fr. Martin: He needs prayers just like the rest of us. There but for the grace of God go I.
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Common phrased used in catechesis:

This topic has been covered many times on CAF:
What's up with the God of the Old Testament? Sacred Scripture
True but I don’t understand how a loving and merciful God could order genocides. Please help. 🤷
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