Hermit Nun hasn't spoken in 16 years

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1 Corinthians 9:16

For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!
1 Corinthians 9:16

For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!
Yet surely there are multiple ways to preach the gospel, no?
I guess she can speak for things like confession?

I just skimmed the article.
Reminds me of the Sadhu who holds his right arm up in the air for peace. Apparently has been doing it for over 40 years. I used to be the silent type myself. I went all through 9th grade mostly silent except speaking sometimes to a select few. It was easy after awhile, nobody expected me to speak to them yet they would still speak directly to me. I’m not sure what one gains from this, maybe you never speak a lie or gossip or maybe you never spill the real truth. However, any form of dedication or sacrifice is needed for spiritual growth which I believe this is what she is trying to achieve here. Though, if she thinks God will just speak to her by simply refusing to speak herself is rather silly on the contrary.
Though, if she thinks God will just speak to her by simply refusing to speak herself is rather silly on the contrary.
She’s a Carmelite and has been developing her spirituality for years. I seriously doubt she has any sort of simplistic ideas as what you express. I’m also pretty sure that she and God are likely having long conversations by this point, given how many years she has been a religious.

Her silence is for purposes of developing her spirituality. It is not so she “never speaks a lie” or “gossips”. It’s so she can focus more on communing with God.
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I heard of a monk, Buddhist maybe,
He lived in a cave, and just laid there…
Didn’t require much food…just nibble…water sip…
Fellow monks chased away animals etc.
he expanded very little energy -
For decades -

But Jesus did say let your yes be yes, your no, no.
Anything more came from the devil -
The human tongue is a thing from hell - etc
Remain quiet long enough and people will imagine you are wise. Speak and it’s all over. 😎
My homeroom/civics/AmHistory teacher said much the same thing: It’s better to be thought stupid, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Interior and exterior silence, particularly the former, is extremely important in one’s relationship with the Lord. How else are we going to hear what He has to say when He says it in His own time? Silence is an act of reverence.

I understand and support this hermit-nun. I understand her completely. I practice reclusion for religious reasons, and keep the house as quiet as possible when hubby’s not here. Interior silence is of the utmost importance when engaged in contemplation.

St. Faustina was told that religious lose their souls because of their lack of interior silence. Now, that’s saying something.
Why so critical of her devotion? I think more people would hear the voice of God if they spent more moments silent. My life would be so much better if I had not said certain things. Many relationships would be better if people choose to remove themselves or remain silent instead ipif arguing, yelling or using harsh words
I agree with you and I didn’t mean to sound harsh, I was trying to point out though that if we all just stopped speaking, that alone wouldn’t do anything to get us any closer to God or being able to hear his voice. I know in this situation it’s much different though. This is a highly dedicated Nun we are speaking of. I admire her, so forgive my judging words.
It’s perfectly fine. I think it would do my life wonders if I learned to be quiet and still. Avoid the internet. Avoid unnecessary arguments.
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