Hi, everybody!
My name is Mother Mary Victoria Howard, and I am a hermit. I do not go out into the world to spread the Good News - I do it from home! I play sacred music for the neighbors, I have two networks on the Web:
for hermits to convene, and:
for those opposed to abortion to get together virtually.
I am also a writer:
Beyond that, I am one of the few on Earth who dedicate themselves to being there for companionship with God Himself. God and I are best friends, and we commune here in my apartment, my hermitage, day after day. God needs at least some people like that. I go to daily mass, pray the rosary and other prayers, fast almost continuously, do mortifications exteriorly and interiorly, and I am considered a contemplative and a mystic.
God needs love, too, and so many people are in such a rush that they don’t commit themselves to Him the way I can. My lifestyle is very important and very necessary. I have given up parties and ordinary human socialization in order to please God, and I find it very engrossing and it makes me quite happy.
The two networks above are featured at this network, Catholic Answers Forums, under groups. Check them out.
Write to me anytime and I can tell you more. Take a look at the writing. And believe me, there are plenty of hermits still around!
In the Love of Christ,
Mother Mary Victoria Howard