Hi, I just have a small question

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It’s the version that is read at Mass.
Footnotes are problematic, but the readings will be familiar to you if attend Mass regularly.
If you want to purchase a Catholic Bible there are many on the market.
Go to a good Catholic bookseller and research which one appeals to you. Some have flowery language, archaic language, some very modern. The best bible for you is the one you will actually read.
The USCCB offers the complete version of the Bible. I’m not sure what you mean by context.
Is usccb a good source for the Catholic Bible
I assume that you mean you want to read the Bible online.

The USCCB online Bible is good. The complete Bible is there. The translation is the New American Bible, Revised Edition. You may or may not like the text format, which sets each verse apart with blank lines in between.

There are other online Bible websites that may serve your needs better. For example, Biblegateway.com offers a choice of translations, has a more compact text format, and has a good word search tool.
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Do not make idols for yourselves. You shall not erect a carved image or a sacred stone for yourselves, nor shall you set up a carved stone for worship in your land;a for I, the LORD, am your God.

This is leviticus 26:1
Can someone explain to me, what it really means, cause to my understanding we are not suppose to make statues of god?
So i mean as his children we are not suppose to carve anything or make anything that represnts him right?
The ark of the covenant had angels on it, and stored the Ten Commandments which was placed in the holiest spot of the Jewish temple. What is your view of the Jewish attitude on this?

It never said to not make graven images of God, Himself, anyhow. But to not make graven images, period. Meaning, do not act as though an object were a god.
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Is usccb a good source for the Catholic Bible
Do not make idols for yourselves. You shall not erect a carved image or a sacred stone for yourselves, nor shall you set up a carved stone for worship in your land;a for I, the LORD, am your God.

This is leviticus 26:1

Can someone explain to me, what it really means, cause to my understanding we are not suppose to make statues of god?
Why did you change the question? Here we were thinking you were asking about the Bible, and now it appears that you intended all along to use the Bible to put Catholics down. What’s your religion? Is that how you use God’s Word, to put someone down? Shame on you.
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Dear Jason
I didn’t sense an anti-Catholic trend. I guess, if when they said not to make any images, you felt that would be against us b/c of our statues.
To Jason1.
Pagans made many idols. Figurines were everywhere. The meaning is don’t worship idols. He is not in the images. He is everywhere and in us.
Yes, statues have popped up. They are not worshiped. They are like a photo of your family in your wallet.
We focus on them so our minds don’t wander during prayer.
In Christ’s love
I didn’t sense an anti-Catholic trend.
I did. That’s why I quoted those two messages. At the moment, I cannot think of another reason why Jason1’s original question would be followed by that totally different question. Can you?
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I don’t understand why there is soo much hate coming from a single question, I believe in God and Jesus as our savior as much as any of you.
Its just I have been in debates with out christian/ catholics out there and there never seem to be a good answer yo this question.
Thanks tweed, I understand that you are trying to say the statues are like family pictures, but I have seen where the father would bless the statues and it would be come holy, those statues would have to go through some ritual before it be comes holy. Which then we would bow to those statues, or come kiss it as if God was in that statue. If you could give me a better understanding that would be great.
For those of you who thinks I am anti catholic just because a simple question, I don’t mind, but please keep inmind for our new brothers and sister in Christ might be curious about a few things they yet to understand, and with the attitude you have shown me would it help them? Thanks anyways
I don’t understand why there is soo much hate coming from a single question
I regard your methods with suspicion, but no hate, I assure you.

And it wasn’t a single question. You changed questions. Why?
I believe in God and Jesus as our savior as much as any of you.
That is good.
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2112 The first commandment condemns polytheism. It requires man neither to believe in, nor to venerate, other divinities than the one true God. Scripture constantly recalls this rejection of “idols, [of] silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see.” These empty idols make their worshippers empty: "Those who make them are like them; so are all who trust in them."42 God, however, is the "living God"43 who gives life and intervenes in history.

2113 Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. It remains a constant temptation to faith. Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (for example, satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc. Jesus says, "You cannot serve God and mammon."44 Many martyrs died for not adoring "the Beast"45 refusing even to simulate such worship. Idolatry rejects the unique Lordship of God; it is therefore incompatible with communion with God.46

2114 Human life finds its unity in the adoration of the one God. The commandment to worship the Lord alone integrates man and saves him from an endless disintegration. Idolatry is a perversion of man’s innate religious sense. An idolater is someone who "transfers his indestructible notion of God to anything other than God."47
Dear Jason,
We are creations of God. We are Spiritual beings in a corruptible body that will fail us. Hopefully, we are following Jesus’s direction for our life. If you love me, you will keep My Commandments.
We are not perfect. I know what you mean, Jason about Holy Water blessing. We live in a natural and supernatural world. The Holy Water will offend evil spirits. A natural world object is blessed w supernatural Holy Water to protect us from evil spirits. The statue wouldn’t have any effect on evil. It’s the Holy Water.
As imperfect ppl, w lazy lips and thoughts, we are taught: ONLY GOD HEALS!! You pray to Saints and Blessed Mother to just continue your prayer for healing. To continue whatever you are praying for before His throne of grace. We are not to pray,” Dear Blessed Mother, please heal my Mom of cancer!”
That is a NONO!
BUT===== you may hear one of us pray that way.
Please continue my prayer in heaven for God to heal my Mom of cancer. (Is correct). THATS A LONG PRAYER! It’s faster to ask whomsoever to heal your Mom of cancer.
Kissing statues=We can’t touch God! He has no shape or form. The Holy Spirit can warm our spirits in meditation and communion. But, we want to touch God. So we touch an earthly statue. We know it’s not God. No statues are any actual Spirit of the image. Pagans did worship the statues. That’s the difference. THOU SHALT HAVE NO GODS BEFORE ME. You shall not make images of the stars or moons, angels, etc. Similar engraven images would be used by pagans to worship.
Artists paintings and sculptures that copy heavenly things are just glorifying Gods creation and the Artist has a gift God says to take out from under the bed to light the world… Your Spirit is glorifying God. Your flesh wants to touch Him and can’t, so we touch the statues.
I pray, Jason, this helps you put things in perspective. A photograph of anything meets the criteria of the DONTS! You know we don’t worship a photograph.
A church should not waste time tearing down another denomination. It is to witness Christ to the world and pass on His Word. Go out and preach my message to the whole world. It is enough to do that. Though studying the history of religion is necessary, it gives us perspective to God’s message, the church carrying that message, the church having some flaws, man coming along rethinking a sentence here or there to make a new dogma. Dogmas are not made from one sentence but the message in a paragraph referring to previous and post paragraphs.
In Christ’s love
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