Hidden abortions through contraceptives

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So, I would like to know if the hidden abortions that can occur through the usage of birth control contraceptive pills are morally equivalent to regular abortions and if those who may have resort to them are subject to the same excommunication late sententiae that the canon law teaches.

If this is the case, a simple confession is enough or the sinner should do something else?

Thank you.
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It’s a good question and not being Catholic, I haven’t an answer but grave or mortal sin requires knowledge, intent and act, correct? No one could know if they have aborted. They might know it’s possible but not that it has actually taken place. So, I just wanted to add that to the picture…thanks.
You are only excommunicated if you commit the act knowing it has that consequence and do it anyway, someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

You can confess the use of contraceptive medications in confession and be absolved if you intend to stop using them.

So, I would like to know if the hidden abortions that can occur through the usage of birth control contraceptive pills

Thank you.
Just FYI, the IUD can also cause an abortion.

So, I would like to know if the hidden abortions that can occur through the usage of birth control contraceptive pills are morally equivalent to regular abortions and if those who may have resort to them are subject to the same excommunication late sententiae that the canon law teaches.
If this is the case, a simple confession is enough or the sinner should do something else?
A person using contraception should confess the sin of contraception, yes.
Would this also mean that Protestants are more prone to committing unknown abortions compared to Catholics?
Anything that suppresses ovulation if going to logically reduce losses over what naturally occurs.

This is just a bullying tactic used by some to try to scare women away from contraception but more likely it will prevent prolife women from dealing with their health problems.

Women have enough guilt heaped on us we don’t need this, we are allowed to get health care and look after our well being without everyone nitpicking every decision.
Anything that suppresses ovulation if going to logically reduce losses over what naturally occurs.

This is just a bullying tactic used by some to try to scare women away from contraception but more likely it will prevent prolife women from dealing with their health problems.

Women have enough guilt heaped on us we don’t need this, we are allowed to get health care and look after our well being without everyone nitpicking every decision.
The Church allows women to use the pill to treat illnesses, as long as pregnancy prevention is not the intent.
Would this also mean that Protestants are more prone to committing unknown abortions compared to Catholics?
It would mean that those using contraceptives are more prone to committing unknown abortions compared to those who are not using contraceptives.
yes i agree. But i do know from my immediate community from Protestants that contraceptives are allowed because it is not mentioned in the bible and that their attitude to sex in marriage is a lil different not excluding based on my observation that asceticism is not practiced. Maybe from the verse in Timothy or calvins dislike for monasticism.
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