I was speaking with one of my evangelical friends this evening. He is highly against the idea of any figure of deciding authority. In other words, he does not believe that a single pastor should be in charge of a church, much less bishops or popes. He even disagrees with evangelical churches that have only one pastor. He believes that every church should have more than one pastor, and that every church should be congregational in its decision on church issues. Everyone in the church should be involved; and each church should be autonomously run separate from the others. He points to the church of Jerusalem and how its decisions were according to what everyone thought, and not so much on what individual leaders viewed as authority.
So, what shortcomings do you see in the congregational system of running each church autonomously? Why is the Catholic Church’s top-down structure superior (or inferior to) that of my friend’s structure?
So, what shortcomings do you see in the congregational system of running each church autonomously? Why is the Catholic Church’s top-down structure superior (or inferior to) that of my friend’s structure?