I I know of some good textbooks (like the Didache series by Midwest Theological Foundation), but they are a bit expensive to say the least… and I am not sure how the kids will gravitate towards something that seems just like another high school text book.
Any ideas would be appreciated!
suggest buying these for the Catechists, so they have a reliable systematic guide to topics, organized like the CCC, but with explanations that float with kids. We have them but our kids just cannot cope with the textbook, reading levels too low, bummed out from school, whatever. At least get Intro to Catholicism (orange) for each catechist, then for your next investment get the volume on scripture (blue).
An inexpensive solution that works well with kids who are Catholic minority in the Bible Belt is Rock its a Catholic Thing, and apologetics booklet with good solid outline of doctrine put together by kids for kids.
contemplationcornerpress.com. They sell a Confirmation Pack with this book, a companion book on the Rosary, scripture journal, confession guide etc., and there is a catechist guide that has a whole confirmation or HS RE program based on these resources, the CCC and the Bible. Lesson plans, prayers, meditations, journaling exercises etc. This worked very well in our 9th-10th grade confirmation prep classes for those kids with no previous catechesis since 1st communion (2nd grade).
Another solid relatively inexpensive route, works with those on a 8th-10th grade reading level, is Fr. McBrides Teen Catechism from Our Sunday Visitor. It also has a catechist guide, and the meetings can be run either in classroom formate, or “youth group” style. This works well for RCIA as well, in fact is my first choice for Youth RCIA. For RCIA use in conjuction with Making Disciples from the same publisher.
The Catholic youth Bible comes in either NRSV or NAB, and has various teachers guides and activity manuals, plus music CDs that go with it, Saint Marys Press. if you want a bible-based program. Several publishers have lectionary-based programs, but you have to be very wary about content.
Basic Apologetics is great, but they are not ready for it until they have a solid doctrinal and scriptural foundation in grades 7-10.
It depends of course on whether your HS CCD is Confirmation Prep, or after. If they are coming because they have to or because they want to.