Hillary’s Demagogic Response To Vouchers

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Hillary wants all children sent to schools of liberal brainwashing, aka Public Schools using NEA teachers.
Hillary wants all children sent to schools of liberal brainwashing, aka Public Schools using NEA teachers.
Thanks Stobie I appreciate your (name removed by moderator)ut greatly, seriously. Hilary runs and hides like she always does, she’s a coward.
The reason the parochial school system started in this country was because the public school system (and much of society in general), was very anti-catholic when it began. (see the 19th century cartoon below)


While Senator Clinton’s remarks are inexcuseable, they are far from surprising.

Frankly, as a Catholic, I don’t want government money going to religious schools. I fear the Hillary Clintons of the world would use it as an excuse to try and start running the private schools as well. They are already trying to force Catholic hospitals to abide by secular rules when it comes to abortions, sterilizations, and the like.
Frankly, as a Catholic, I don’t want government money going to religious schools.
There is the fundamental flaw in the current debate. The money isn’t the government’s. It’s mine. The government takes, more or less by force, some of my money, to do things supposedly in my best interest.

Public schools aren’t in my best interest. I don’t use them. Never have. Maybe never will (who know what the future holds?). So, basically, the government, via legalized theft, is taking money to purchase for me goods and services I neither use nor want.

Instead, the government should be civil enough to let me keep that part of my money. After all, the federal government has no business being in public education to begin with.

– Mark L. Chance.
I am for vouchers, so long as they wont be used a government thumbscrew.
Y’know what would be awsome…A democracy…Think about it, the PEOPLE’s will, not some lawyer we’ve never seen. The people wan’t to go to war, we will. The people wan’t to withdraw, we will, the people want to slaughter all the satanists, witches, ext, here’s hopin we will.

Hilary Clinton…I dont like her…She’s an enemy of state…And nature…And reason…the American people…Catholics everywhere…not to mention God…
Hilary Clinton…I dont like her…She’s an enemy of state…And nature…And reason…the American people…Catholics everywhere…not to mention God…
Have to agree with that! 👍
I’m all for vouchers- it lets parents who don’t want their 11-year-old coming home with a condom that Planned Parenthood gave them at school to send their kids elsewhere. Hilary Clinton wants kids indoctrinated in the Culture of Death- so she is going to do what she can to make it difficult for anyone to get anything other than a public school education.
Thanks Stobie I appreciate your (name removed by moderator)ut greatly, seriously. Hilary runs and hides like she always does, she’s a coward.
A coward who bows and scrapes to the NEA which supports her and those of her ilk. No matter that the kids get an inferior education and this is a country that spends more per student than any other. Just throwing money at a problem will not fix it.
mary bobo:
A coward who bows and scrapes to the NEA which supports her and those of her ilk. No matter that the kids get an inferior education and this is a country that spends more per student than any other. Just throwing money at a problem will not fix it.
I agree.
I’m all for vouchers- it lets parents who don’t want their 11-year-old coming home with a condom that Planned Parenthood gave them at school to send their kids elsewhere. Hilary Clinton wants kids indoctrinated in the Culture of Death- so she is going to do what she can to make it difficult for anyone to get anything other than a public school education.
Well that simply isn’t true, I go to a state school, and I have gone through government sex education, I never came home with a condom at age 11. Whilst we live in different countries, America is more conservative than Britain, so I would be really suprised if the education is much more “liberalised” - for lack of a better word.
Well that simply isn’t true, I go to a state school, and I have gone through government sex education, I never came home with a condom at age 11. Whilst we live in different countries, America is more conservative than Britain, so I would be really suprised if the education is much more “liberalised” - for lack of a better word.
Peace be with you!

Actually, it is very true. I went to a public high school, and while we weren’t given condoms while I was there (I don’t know if they do now or not), I have heard from countless people that the high school they either go to or went to does do that. Perhaps not at age 11, but I have actually read about that happening at a couple schools on these forums.

In Christ,
Well that simply isn’t true, I go to a state school, and I have gone through government sex education, I never came home with a condom at age 11.
It is intellectually fallacious to generalize from one experience in order to define what isn’t true.

Sex education for parents too describes early-teenage children being given condoms, explicit instructions about sex, and even a syphillis-sore “action figure” to play with. Most disturbingly, perhaps, the author of the op-ed piece, despite her well-founded reservations about her daughter’s school running such a program, still can’t manage to shed herself of what passes for conventional wisdom in liberal circles in order to condemn what can only be fairly characterized as the immoral destruction of youth’s innocence.

But, I suppose, since somewhere someone has never personally seen this sort of thing happen, it therefore follows it never happened at all.


– Mark L. Chance.
Well that simply isn’t true, I go to a state school, and I have gone through government sex education, I never came home with a condom at age 11. Whilst we live in different countries, America is more conservative than Britain, so I would be really suprised if the education is much more “liberalised” - for lack of a better word.
In the U.S., that has happened- I have seen it. Things may be different in the U.K.
Libero, from what I have heard and read about the state of American state schools both on here and elsewhere, our state schools are alot better than the USA’s.

In our state schools, the teachers do just that… teach. They may have conservative/liberal leanings, but I have never had anything forced upon me. The worst I’ve ever had was a pushy PSHE lesson on contraception, but a number of us said we didn’t approve and it wasn’t done quite so pushily again. Plus, this year, we’ve got a Catholic doing our PSHE lessons, so he emphasises family values 👍

In the American ones, it sounds like there’s a lot of liberal teachers and a lot of agenda pushing.
Be careful with the cartoons, we don’t want to begin another riot.

I am against vouchers. I believe if vouchers are given to private schools, then the government will be interfering with private school education (tell us what books have to be used, etc). Therefore I am against vouchers.

As for Hilary Clinton, I cannot stand her views. I am embarrased to say she grew up in my state (IL) and went to Maine South HS. I always tell Maine South grads I would never send my kids to that high school because I would never want my kids to be indoctrinated to think with the same Culture of Death attitude Hilary does.
I am for vouchers. However, I do not mind paying my tuition for the school of my choice. I feel very bad for inner city folks that can’t afford what I do for my children. The public schools in my area are stellar, but I am more comfortable with prayer in school and all that goes along with the Catholic school. I don’t need to be chastised by fellow Catholics for using a Catholic school. I do happen to think it is best for my children. I don’t need to hear anyones horror stories about their Catholic school. I am a public school teacher and I am aware of everthing that goes on in the public system also.

I think there are good teachers in both systems, as well as bad in both systems. I hate the curicullum that is pushed in the public system. I don’t think they expect as much of the children either- even in the honors programs. I have used both systems.

I just think that teachers in the public system would improve if they had the competition and I am talking mainly the failing schools. This is my opinion. I leave it at that.

Oh yeah, Hillary is a politician and she will reflect that in every speech she gives. She wants to be president. She sent Chelsea to private for high school and college, at least. I am not aware of where Chelsea went when they were in Arkansas.
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