May 6, 2005
Hillary’s “common ground” begins to shift under its false weight
Filed under: Culture of Life/Death, Our Hillary!
Ah, and here we are. It was only a few months ago that the MSM told us - with many blaring headlines - that Hillary Clinton - that old paragon of clear-thinking and leadership (tell me, has she ever made a public statement on Terri Schiavo? Don’t bother looking it up, the answer is no) was prancing toward a “more centrist” position on abortion. “She is seeking “common ground” with the pro-lifers!” the msm sighed in starry-eyed-sycophantasia. “Hillary is going to bring something real to the debate.”
Um. No. She isn’t going to bring something real to the debate, and she never was going to. Hillary’s “common ground” gesture was simply that - a gesture. A Hillarian escape of warm air from her lungs, meaning absolutely nothing beyond the sound bite, the quote for the record and the wink-wink “you-guys-all-know-this-doesn’t-change-anything” to her base. Hillary never actually says anything that means anything. She just gasses away, droning from the script and the press does the actual thumping for her.
In the case of her “common ground” remarks, well, there is much less there than meets the eye. The issue of abortion is a deep fault line in the nation, and the only real common ground to be found at any fault line would have to be a created ground, i.e. a bridge. And a bridge built over a fault line will easily crumble, as fault lines are notoriously unstable. Mrs. Clinton’s suggestion, while laudable (I suppose) for its tone, brings no solutions and satisfies no one because it does not address what caused the initial shift in the plate tectonics of American morality. That instability was wrought by a simple question and its two possible answers: Is abortion really okay, or not? If so, then it should always be okay, and there can be no common ground. If not, then it should never be okay. And there can be no common ground.
So, let’s stop pretending that Hillary Clinton is actually saying anything on abortion. She’s not. She’s saying verrrrry little, here, too. *“I oppose the House-passed bill, which glosses over these complicated situations, making criminals out of grandparents, clergy and other adults who try to act in good faith.” *
Clinton — despite preaching moderation in recent speeches — will toe the Democratic line in the Senate in an effort to block a GOP-backed bill that just passed the House and makes it illegal for anyone to help a girl get a secret out-of-state abortion.
Here is where the press - even conservative papers like the NY Post - make their bloomer. Clinton *never *preached moderation. Her “common ground” comments amounted to: “I’m not moving one step closer to the middle, but I think we should talk nicer to each other about this until we finally get these pro-lifers to give it up.”
Because the truth is what I have already said: there can be no common ground on this issue. There can be no common ground on an idea that an “adult in good faith” should be able to take an underage girl out of state to procure an abortion. While Hillary and her cohorts plead “compassion” here what they are doing is making it easy for your 14 year-old daughter’s 24 year-old exploiter to take her across the state lines and have the evidence of his statutory rape vacuumed out of her body before he leaves her, crushed and alone, to deal forever with what has happened to her. While her family knows nothing about any of it and wonders why she is suddenly depressed, morose, dressing in black and cutting herself.
That’s compassion for you.
Hillary’s “common ground” begins to shift under its false weight
Filed under: Culture of Life/Death, Our Hillary!
Ah, and here we are. It was only a few months ago that the MSM told us - with many blaring headlines - that Hillary Clinton - that old paragon of clear-thinking and leadership (tell me, has she ever made a public statement on Terri Schiavo? Don’t bother looking it up, the answer is no) was prancing toward a “more centrist” position on abortion. “She is seeking “common ground” with the pro-lifers!” the msm sighed in starry-eyed-sycophantasia. “Hillary is going to bring something real to the debate.”
Um. No. She isn’t going to bring something real to the debate, and she never was going to. Hillary’s “common ground” gesture was simply that - a gesture. A Hillarian escape of warm air from her lungs, meaning absolutely nothing beyond the sound bite, the quote for the record and the wink-wink “you-guys-all-know-this-doesn’t-change-anything” to her base. Hillary never actually says anything that means anything. She just gasses away, droning from the script and the press does the actual thumping for her.
In the case of her “common ground” remarks, well, there is much less there than meets the eye. The issue of abortion is a deep fault line in the nation, and the only real common ground to be found at any fault line would have to be a created ground, i.e. a bridge. And a bridge built over a fault line will easily crumble, as fault lines are notoriously unstable. Mrs. Clinton’s suggestion, while laudable (I suppose) for its tone, brings no solutions and satisfies no one because it does not address what caused the initial shift in the plate tectonics of American morality. That instability was wrought by a simple question and its two possible answers: Is abortion really okay, or not? If so, then it should always be okay, and there can be no common ground. If not, then it should never be okay. And there can be no common ground.
So, let’s stop pretending that Hillary Clinton is actually saying anything on abortion. She’s not. She’s saying verrrrry little, here, too. *“I oppose the House-passed bill, which glosses over these complicated situations, making criminals out of grandparents, clergy and other adults who try to act in good faith.” *
Clinton — despite preaching moderation in recent speeches — will toe the Democratic line in the Senate in an effort to block a GOP-backed bill that just passed the House and makes it illegal for anyone to help a girl get a secret out-of-state abortion.
Here is where the press - even conservative papers like the NY Post - make their bloomer. Clinton *never *preached moderation. Her “common ground” comments amounted to: “I’m not moving one step closer to the middle, but I think we should talk nicer to each other about this until we finally get these pro-lifers to give it up.”
Because the truth is what I have already said: there can be no common ground on this issue. There can be no common ground on an idea that an “adult in good faith” should be able to take an underage girl out of state to procure an abortion. While Hillary and her cohorts plead “compassion” here what they are doing is making it easy for your 14 year-old daughter’s 24 year-old exploiter to take her across the state lines and have the evidence of his statutory rape vacuumed out of her body before he leaves her, crushed and alone, to deal forever with what has happened to her. While her family knows nothing about any of it and wonders why she is suddenly depressed, morose, dressing in black and cutting herself.
That’s compassion for you.