Hindu and the Brown Scapular

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I have a close Hindu friend, we have had several religious conversations, and I’ve attempted to learn a bit more about his beliefs and vice-versa.
He believes there is one God, and that the Hindu deities are representations of this being. He has even adopted Christian beliefs; God exists in the persons of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was the Messiah, the Son of God, and God made man, come to sacrifice himself to redeem the world. He was resurrected, and ascended into heaven. Mary is the Mother of God, the Blessed vessel of Salvation. The Holy Scriptures were inspired by God. Christ founded the Catholic Church. (Many of these beliefs and similar)

He is not baptized, though if a true emergency happened he would be willing to be.

I’ve given him a Brown Scapular, and told him if he wore it at the time of death, while attempting to live a moral life according the God’s rule, he would escape hell. (I hope I didn’t say anything theologically incorrect.)

So, is this OK? Will he escape hell if he dies in the Brown Scapular?

Then I found this quote by Mother Teresa:
“There is only one God and He is God to all; therefore it is important that everyone is seen as equal before God. IÕve always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic. We believe our work should be our example to people. We have among us 475 souls - 30 families are Catholics and the rest are all Hindus, Muslims, SikhsÑall different religions. But they all come to our prayers.”

So, I worry that my evangelizing may not have been the best thing to do. (I began this process when still Protestant)
Dear friend

The minute you mention the name of Jesus, you are effectively evangelising, this is because it turns the persons heart and mind to Him, starts them thinking even if what they say may be negative, still they are starting to think. I think what you have done for your friend is beautiful. Your friend is more interested and inspired by Jesus and Christianity than you may realise, he did not reject the scapular, if he thought that life everlasting was possible without Jesus he would not have accepted it from you or shown any interest, BUT he did. I wear a brown scapular, one of the aspects of wearing a brown scapular is it is to give you protection at the hour of death, our Mother Mary will be there for us at this hour and the soul will be led by her to Jesus. There is no guarantee by wearing a scapular you will get to heaven, but if you live in Christ Jesus (only God knows the heart) and wear the scapular it is promised you will be led to heaven.

It doesn’t matter, let your friend wear the scapular, he may gain some graces by doing so and keep having your lovely discussions with him about faith and life. What Mother Teresa said is right, if a person believes and truly believes in their heart that their faith is the way, then they will be judged by Jesus on this premise by their life lived in their faith striving towards God, we should encourage each other to be better human beings and encourage people of faith whatever their religion pertaining to the one God to become the very best they can be within that religion if they are not open to conversion at present. Every heart has the opportunity to convert at the hour of death as Jesus comes to them and ‘knocks at their door’ . Dear friend the Holy Spirit works in all human beings or no-one would be able to receive the gift of faith at all. The Holy Spirit is working in your friend, it is inspiring to see two different faiths amicably discussing faith.

Faith is a journey and whoever sincerely strives in faith though they realise it or not are striving towards Jesus, The holy Spirit and God the Father, as you have said, there is one God and there is therefore only one God to strive towards.

Pray for the conversion of your friend and I will say a little prayer for him also.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


Your friend is not baptised, pray for his conversion
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