Hindu Wedding Ceremony?

  • Thread starter Thread starter foreveralone
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My boyfriend and I are talking about getting married in a couple of years. He is Hindu, and has agreed to raise our children Catholic (his family loves Christians, so there won’t be any hostility). However, he has requested that we marry in a Hindu ceremony. I have been told that it is permissible to marry in a non-Christian ceremony, so long as I get a dispensation to do so. Is this true?
My boyfriend and I are talking about getting married in a couple of years. He is Hindu, and has agreed to raise our children Catholic (his family loves Christians, so there won’t be any hostility). However, he has requested that we marry in a Hindu ceremony. I have been told that it is permissible to marry in a non-Christian ceremony, so long as I get a dispensation to do so. Is this true?
You would need to obtain dispensation from your bishop. Different bishops have different policies regarding this. The best thing to do would be to talk to your pastor.
I have heard of cases where couples have had both ceremonies. If you are planning on raising your children inside the Catholic church, it might be advisable to do both. You could do both on the same day or different days. The choice is really yours.
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