When is a priest required to write, print, or type his religious initials after his last name?
For example: Reverend Benjamin Reynolds, FSSP
For example: Reverend Benjamin Reynolds, FSSP
No, I think that’s the older style. My friend usually signs things, including email, as John , CM. He generally only includes the Fr./Rev. on formal stuff, or if he isn’t too familiar with someone.I’m interested to see you all put Fr/Reverend in front of the name. The practice I grew up with was that the initials of the order replace the need for the title at the beginning, so I would EITHER write Fr Joseph Kennedy OR Joseph Kennedy CSJ but not both. And with a strong tendency to use the latter, which means in fact that I only use the written title Fr for secular priests, and always the order’s initials for religious. Does this have any basis in fact or was I just taught wrong?