Historical-critical theories have driven more people away from the church than almost anything else. Their whole basis is that the bible-writers were liars, conmen and deceivers. These theories have been consistently condemned by the Church, but keep reappearing because of their near-universal acceptance by modernist bible-“scholars”.
The fact is these people have no evidence at all for their claims. Yet they repeat hem consistently as if they were fact. and they sneak into the notes of the NAB and NJB - again as if they were facts. Therefore those people with weak faith who read these notes, find themselves being told that Matthew and Luke made up the infancy narratives, that most of what we read about Jesus was invented, and that most of the Old Testament is fiction. **Is it any wonder that these people then lose their Faith?{/b]
To take just one example of the historical-critical madness relevant to the original question. When was the Gospel of Luke written?
The Liberal “bible-scholars” say - 90 AD or 2nd Century. Why? Because the gospel mentions a prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem. And since, according to them, a realised prophecy HAS to be a later addition, inserted by a lying author, the gospel must have been written **after ** the event!
But actually Luke is part of a two part work that finishes with ACTS. Acts contains a first person account of the voyages of Paul and finishes abruptly with Paul’s imprisonment in the 60s AD. Since Paul’s martyrdom is not included, and would be the culmination of the story, it is fairly clear that Acts and Luke were written no later than 65 AD.**