History book repeats itself

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Dear Friends

I truly believe humanity is intelligent enough to learn from it’s mistakes, so how then do the history books keep repeating themselves via religious intolerance, elimination of races, race intolerance, religious intolerance, hatred masked by financial , political gain and power and dressed up as something else? Where is our spirituality that we have such short memories as regards history, as regards genocide, and the jewish holocaust? Why do we so quickly forget and why do we not learn from the past? What are we becoming that we do not see each other as humanity and God’s children? What are we becoming when all we see is ‘self’ ???

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friends

Thank you for your replies. Surely no-one has to read an history book to know of the effects of an unjustified war, a war based on material gain or genocide, a war of spirit etc (spiritual warfare is waged everyday in the hearts of humanity) We all know of the 2nd world war and the genocide that happened there, I would say most people in the western world are aware of this, if not further afield. So what makes people have such a short memory and not adept to learn form the sins /mistakes of the past? In abortion we are witnessing a genocide of the innocents…why does this perpetuate and the self arise above humanity as a whole?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

We all know of the 2nd world war and the genocide that happened there, I would say most people in the western world are aware of this, if not further afield. So what makes people have such a short memory and not adept to learn form the sins /mistakes of the past? In abortion we are witnessing a genocide of the innocents…why does this perpetuate and the self arise above humanity as a whole?
Teresa -
You sound very sweet.

But I don’t know that most of us know that much of the horrors of the second world war. Oh, yes, they might know of Hitler and the word “Nazi”, but I don’t know if they really know of what Hitler and his Nazis did in WWII.

If you’re not taught much history, and you don’t read on your own,
there is little likelihood that you will discover what some of the horrors of humanity are.
Dear Teresa,

You live in the UK, that makes you part of the collective European experience. Europeans remember. The majority of North Americans never got it, what they did not get they cannot pass down as experience to their children. Oh sure, North Americans sent over troops and made sacrifices. But the experience of Pearl Harbor in the American consciousness does not equal to the European experience, especially by some of the mainland countries.

As to the general question why human beings are at a loss to find lessons from the past is very simple. People are not able to apply lessons to a history they have not lived personally or collectively.
What are we becoming when all we see is ‘self’ ???
I believe there are many that are simply blinded to the wrongs that are committed in the world. The devil has done a good job of this. He finds many ways to disguise his evil intentions to pull good souls unknowlingly to his side. He builds up our pride so that we feel if it isn’t affecting us why should we bother? Or the very childish idea of “that’ll never happen to me.” We intrinsically think that killing is wrong but somehow that idea gets twisted around in the minds of panicked souls.

The self has a lot to do with our decisions in life. Can I afford this right now, what about work, what about my social life are all self-centered questions that lead to the choices we make.

How have we become so self-centered? Why is the X-generation considered the “me” generation? Media, plain and simple, all forms of it. We live in an immediate, self-gratifying world. What we want we get. The devil is in his glory days as far as I’m concerned. Everything he needs to lure souls is at his instant disposal.

History will repeat itself over and over again even if we know history because it’s our choices that will allow it. We need to have strong convictions not to repeat history. Just like trying not sin the same sin over and over again. We have to put a stop to it. Which why we are called to pray and evangelize so that history will not repeat itself.

Dear Jen

You are right, satan is having a field day, it’s very sublime, but the far reaching consequences of these sublime twistings of the truth are immense, grave, destructive and leads souls to hell.

Every soul knows some basic truths of what is right and wrong. That is why most people do not go out in cold blood and murder someone else. Having said this it is the so-called grey-areas, though they are not grey, all areas are black and white, either good or evil. The secular society fueled by politics and pagan culture creates these so-called grey areas that leads to repeated evils throughout society and history. As each soul has the potential to be good or evil and good and bad exists in all people and this is the constant spiritual warfare that goes on daily (this is why it is so important to offer yourself every morning to God and your whole day to Him, give Him the day and He will lead you in it), this is where evil finds it’s feeding ground in the grey areas of life, where the conflicting comfort of the self wages against the truth.

We are not called to be comfortable, we are called to sacrifice, in love (love is sacrifice).

As you have said, evangelise, this is very true, it is no good to hold a belief and then keep it to the self. To be fruitful it has to manifest outside of the self, if we do not do this, we are as much a part of the society for the self as anyone else…what has been gifted from God has to be shared, as God Himself is so very good and generous. This is why the running argument of keeping religion out of politics is futile, if politics can decide issues that affect the moral living of humanity, then Catholic belief has every place inside of politics, infact in every area of life that is projecting an evil opinion on human life, whether inside the home or as society as a whole.

History , if we are prepared and brave enough, should not repeat itself, history only repeats itself because those who know and hold the truth kept silent and did not share the truth with those who did not understand it or whom have never known it.

Pray, evangelise, pray, evangelise…all of your life…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Amen to that sister!!! Very well said! :clapping:
This is why the running argument of keeping religion out of politics is futile, if politics can decide issues that affect the moral living of humanity, then Catholic belief has every place inside of politics, infact in every area of life that is projecting an evil opinion on human life, whether inside the home or as society as a whole.
The problem in America is our Supreme Court and the states court systems seem to think they are God. They decide on the moral issues of the day. Our founding fathers were very clear who this nation is under. They were very clear where we get our freedoms from. Presently the Supreme Court and the others decide for us.

Who we elect as our leaders is very important. It’s important to know who leads them, God or themselves. Which ever leads them, God or themselves, is how they will base all their decisions. If they believe God is where they get their strength from then they will be able to stand up to important moral issues, like abortion, even when the polls go against them. They fight for what is right not what is easy.

If they think that God is here for personal use only, then they will waver on what is right. They will buckle under the pressure when the polls seem not to be what they believe in. They will move issues out of the clear black and white and move them into the grey. Only to please others.

We must pray. ( Thank goodness we have all those Saints to help!) We must evangelize and live the faith so that others may take our lead.


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