Watched the History Channel’s “The Dark Ages” last night. Interesting. THC has a history of being a bit biased and/or careless with language, this documentary did the Church a great service by at least portraying it as the one bright light during the darkness of the Black Plague and the numerous bloody wars of the time. But at the same time, various voiceovers and historians on camera made some assertions I found a bit surprising. Now, I don’t need to be told that someone needs to document or verify their assertions to be taken credibly. I don’t doubt that if I looked, I’d find things to be slightly less “scandalous” than they were made to sound. But I’m turning to the good folks at CAF to help me, if you know, with what Paul Harvey likes to call “the rest of the story.”
One assertion stands out starkly in my mind: The show discussed the Peace of God and the Truce of God, explaining that nobles and knights were a bit too hasty to attack their local neighbors in those days to compel their allegiance. The clergy was so concerned that they culled together all of the venerated relics of the saints from all around the country, invited as many nobles/knights as possible together, and requested that they “make nice” with neighboring counties. It then asked them to swear an oath promising to abide by the Peace of God. On top of that, and I note that Wikipedia (FWIW) suggests a similar characterization, the local clergy used the assembled relics of saints to instill fear in the men, and to suggest that the mass of assembled saints would get revenge on these men if they broke their oath.
Is it Catholic teaching that saints have power of their own in heaven, either innately or through some sort of power given by God? Did the clergy actually suggest that the saints would “get them” upon violation of the oath? Or perhaps did they simply assemble the relics, ask them to swear to abide the the Peace of God, and let the men figure for themselves what the outcome would be if they dishonored their oath?
One assertion stands out starkly in my mind: The show discussed the Peace of God and the Truce of God, explaining that nobles and knights were a bit too hasty to attack their local neighbors in those days to compel their allegiance. The clergy was so concerned that they culled together all of the venerated relics of the saints from all around the country, invited as many nobles/knights as possible together, and requested that they “make nice” with neighboring counties. It then asked them to swear an oath promising to abide by the Peace of God. On top of that, and I note that Wikipedia (FWIW) suggests a similar characterization, the local clergy used the assembled relics of saints to instill fear in the men, and to suggest that the mass of assembled saints would get revenge on these men if they broke their oath.
Is it Catholic teaching that saints have power of their own in heaven, either innately or through some sort of power given by God? Did the clergy actually suggest that the saints would “get them” upon violation of the oath? Or perhaps did they simply assemble the relics, ask them to swear to abide the the Peace of God, and let the men figure for themselves what the outcome would be if they dishonored their oath?