I’m not sure even if you bring up the historical documents to support your point–and believe me, there are many, that it will help. After all, your boyfriend won’t even give his sources (probably they are simply what he has been told, or shown on some lurid website). And as you quite correctly note, the ‘bare facts’ don’t tell the whole truth–and often, in fact, tell outright lies.
As far as ‘protestant persecution in Ireland’, it does exist. Of course it is dwarfed in comparison to the hideous atrocities and massacres which were done to Catholics BY Protestants for centuries. Does that excuse a given Catholic ‘attack’ on a given Protestant? By no means. However, to imply as your boyfriend does that it is a completely one-sided attack ‘out of the blue’ on the innocent protestants is disingenuous and false. If he expects sorrow for ‘persecution of the protestants’ he had better reciprocate with much greater and lengthier sorrow on behalf of the protestant sins against Catholics. I doubt that he wants to do that. . .
As for the Inquisitions, there were several, for varying reasons, and actually it goes on today (goodness); The Society for the Propagation and Defense of the Faith is the contemporary ‘branch’ of this department. I’m sure you remember the head of that department for the later years of the 20th century. . .then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. . . Were people killed? Yes. Were they tried fairly? Actually, the Inquisition courts (which were, while ‘administered’ by clerics, set up by the MONARCHS of the countries involved) were considered (as were ‘clergy’ trials in general) MORE FAIR than the ‘civil’ courts of the times.
You know who burnt witches at the stake? Not Catholics. You know the only example of executions of witches in the U.S. took place in Massachusetts --under the extremely protestant Puritans. A lot of protestant propaganda is based on trying to blame the Catholics for actions that the protestants were guilty of, or ‘more’ guilty of, on the principle that attacking somebody loudly enough, long enough, and with enough ‘ammunition’ would keep people from noticing the blatant errors and sins on the part of the attacker.
You often hear of “Bloody Mary”,Mary Tudor, the Catholic queen of England. Coming to the throne on the death of her brother, Edward, son of Henry VIII, at a time when the majority of England was still Catholic, she married the Catholic prince of Spain and, on the advice of her ministers, in order to make the country safe for him, did interrogate many Protestants. While she herself often could be moved to mercy if approached on her own, her ministers argued that in order to make life secure in England for EVERYONE, those who absolutely refused to abjure should be executed. Mind you, this went the other way round too. When Protestant rulers were in power, Catholics got executed too. It’s just that Protestants were a little more. . um. . .creative. Mary, working to bring her country which had been Catholic for centuries and in which the majority of the people WISHED Catholicism to return, knew that those who opposed Catholicism were against not just Catholics in general, but Catholic rule. Mary’s (and her husband Philip’s) lives were in danger, but Mary thought of the eternal life, and to her, and to the PROTESTANTS TOO of the time, one’s faith was more important than even physical life.
After Mary died and her sister Elizabeth, a protestant, took the throne, Elizabeth knew that she likewise was in personal danger. However, even here, the danger was less to her life than to her throne. By strict standards, Elizabeth was illegitimate and illegitimate children were not in the line of succession. By the ‘device’ of Edward, Elizabeth’s cousin Catherine Grey (daughter of Henry’s younger sister) was heir. By strict primogeniture, Mary Queen of Scots (at the time the Dauphine of France, though her husband,soon to be King Francis, died a year later), granddaughter of Henry’s OLDER sister, was the legitimate heir to the throne of England. No Catholic wanted Elizabeth killed, but many did feel she was a usurper. However, when Elizabeth (illegally) imprisoned Mary some 9 years later (likewise illegally executing MARY in a fine piece of judicial lese majeste), the majority of Catholics, with no reputable claimants by that time (Catherine having been proven to be a fool and Mary in prison) would have accepted Elizabeth, even with the papal bull that announced that she was illegitimate and NEED NOT be obeyed as sovereign, but by this time Elizabeth’s advisors were afraid of losing their Protestant ‘riches’ and so they engineered several so-called "Catholic plots’ in order to pretend that Catholics were dangerous. And, when Catholics were imprisoned, it was not ‘for being catholic’. Oh no. it was for being TRAITORS TO THE QUEEN.
So you have decades of CATHOLIC MARTYRS, but the protestants will protest, 'oh no, they were killed for treason. Nothing ‘religious’ about it at all."
As far as WW2 and the pope, the WHOLE thing started with a bad play from 1962 in which the pope was accused of helping out Hitler. The facts are that Pius not only helped to save thousands of Jewish people–and the leading Rabbi of Rome at the time actually converted to Catholicism as a gesture of respect, but that he did so while he himself was in personal danger. The Vatican is in Italy, and Italy until 1943 was under the control of Mussolini and the Fascists and allied with Hitler. Again, millions of Catholics in Italy and Germany (as well as the Jews) were in danger had the Pope done ‘more’, and as it was, he condemned Hitler in round terms, and there are reprints of his encyclicals etc on the subject in the New York times during the 1930s and 1940s to prove it.
The story that he either ‘did nothing’ or even CORROBORATED with Hitler is typical anti-Catholic propaganda. The fact that we can show these are lies, and even show who started the lie, when, and why, means nothing. All it takes is for yet another loud-mouth to bray, “Everybody knows” and the syncophants and evil-minded and intellectually lazy and the bigoted and foolish will swallow the lies again and again.