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Hey my Beloved family! I am new and this is my first post. I am straining myself figuring what to say–but I cannot just go without saying a thing.


I will start my efforts here by telling you where I was born and give some history of my own self. And then, could I possibly humbly ask any of YOU for your bibliographies? Tit for tat.

My home city is Charlotte, North Carolina. I was born of a single Mother without a father; except for the Father in Heaven who was there for me in ways I still don’t quite understand. I never understood that He was there for me so I went growing up with the dominant female presence of just having my single parent Mother. So I grew to be somewhat standoffish regarding Males and have had a general disposition of being afraid of how harsh males can be.

I don’t uh, wanna say really anything more here because I am utmost out to TALK with you instead of writing a book for you to read. Maybe you could just say what your home city is and what your mascot is? Or whether you are an orphan? Adopted? Please say anything but please just say something okay? 🙂

I hope this message is not out of place.
~Ad Majorem Dei Glorium!
Hey, Charlotte is only a couple hours away from me (I live near Augusta, and not too far from Columbia). I was born in Davenport, Iowa. I am the third of nine children, six living. My father died when I was nine, when I lived in Kewanee, Illinois, though he is buried in Davenport. I have mostly female friends, and am very close to my mother. I am sure there is more.
Welcome to Catholic Answers Forums!

I grew up in Texas but now I call Massachusetts my home.

I am not an orphan or adopted, but my wife and I have adopted a few kids, and hope to adopt one more when the pandemic lets up.
Hello Peter nice to meet you! I am from Boise, ID currently living in China. I was blessed with two parents. My dad is a cradle catholic and often had crises of faith. my mom is halfway to sainthood and her name is Mary. Haha but seriously though she was a big reason my faith is what it is due to her amazing example. As for my mascot I am not sure what you mean. 🤔
Adam my friend! I was wondering if you’ve been to Charlotte the “hornet’s nest.” They have a very good medical hospital called Carolina’s Medical Center where I was born and circumcised and found to be a Hemophiliac 'cause I would not stop bleeding. I have loved the way they took care of me there.

I am so happy I met you since you too like to be around females rather than with males as friends. Aren’t females just so Sacred? I love seeing my fellow sisters wear scarves for Mass. I think it is the most beautiful thing on Earth.

Hey Beryllos! I think there is something truly mystical about being raised an Orphan. The light of Christ shines so brightly for those humble innocent souls who have no chance to call Mom or Dad anything other than primarily their Heavenly Father. We may adopt these special kids but all in all these wonderful children remain foremost God’s very own. Bless you Beryllos; and Thank You For Adopting!
I can’t say, unfortunately, that my Mother credits and accounts for my Faith. She surely doesn’t; she is not into Christ the way that I am. I had nothing but God the Father guiding me into the fullness of Heaven’s Faith–our Catholic Church. My Mom taught me SOOO much about human dignity, compassion, tolerance and sisterly love, however.

God the Father of Heaven drew me into His Reality as I grew later on. This culminated when I “met” Christ after and around my College years, you could say.

The best thing about being an orphan or without “parents” is that it is so much easier to call yourself and be intrinsically recognized as a TRUE CHILD of The Lord’s. Yes Earth’s parents have children who are to be called Children of God (we all are that) but if you’re an Orphan? The transition and self-recognition is uncanny! It is overwhelmingly sweet and glorious when at the end you find your REAL Dad! Ya know?

By the way Duke I love your name! I don’t know why but I just do lol. And mascot… um I dunno I was just thinking, like a sports team like if you have a favorite Football Team, Hockey, and or, what have ya.
I like that, CJ. “Womb to tomb.” It sounds like you really love GOD. I wouldn’t doubt that your prayers are excellent and helpful toward your Catholic family–Priests, Nuns, etc. I sense a joyous energy from you! I hope that it might would become possible for the two of us to in some way become friends here on CA. Do you imagine so? (I cannot personal message yet, but when I can maybe I could say “hello.”)

I was listening to Scott Hahn on Real Presence Radio a few days ago. You said that without Priests NO Mass. Scott was saying also about how all the bulk of GRACE that is shed and poured out for and to Earth is so because of and thanks to the Holy Mass(s), over the World 'round. People, especially Protestants say that “God is everywhere” and therefore that we do not need to go to Mass to be with GOD or that we need not have a structured Church as The True Church is (Ours). But truth is, the Presence of GOD is more intense literally at some locations more so than at others. If GOD does not want to be at a certain location, then He does not have to be there fully. I mean He is there, everywhere because He is totally enthused and 100% interested in all planes of and that which are existence. So He is everywhere. But not everywhere equally the same way as such as in other ways and places. GOD demands honor for His Royal Presence. We cannot build a shack in the woods for Him to dwell in with us in the beauty of awe-inspired worship! So anyway back to my main point, to complement yours; without Priests there is NO Mass. And as Dr. Scott Hahn (author of The Mass as Heaven on Earth), there couldn’t be any outpouring of the Paraclete of Jesus Christ’s real Presence in the glorious splendor of God the Father here on Earth, without the Holy Mass. PII
Well hi c:
I was born in Indiana, and currently still reside here. I’m planning on moving out after graduating from Uni.
I don’t think I really have a mascot. Cats are nice, I’ll go with that.
I converted to the Catholic faith about a year ago and quickly realized there’s a lot to it and no time to read about all of it. I’m trying my best to figure it out as I go along.
I also haven’t slept in 24 hours because I’ve been on a heck of a cram session for some upcoming exams. Hopefully I can rest soon x-x.
The transition and self-recognition is uncanny! It is overwhelmingly sweet and glorious when at the end you find your REAL Dad! Ya know?
I agree! You are truly blessed to have that relationship God in a way that is amplified because of the circumstances of your life. People who have parents can easily forget who their real father is. Nice to meet you sir! As for mascot my favorite football team 🏈 is the Baltimore Ravens I have been a fan since 2000 I was 13 years old at the time. What about you?
I am going to say… The Minnesota Vikings. MN is the first state I moved to on my own away from all family. To be on my own. And so it will be my mascot and should so be my future wife’s and children’s mascot. hah hah. Sorry kids: you don’t get to choose your team–Daddy’s team is all you’ll ever know! (I’m kidding)
You are my hero John! I know how it feels to zombify yourself like this on behalf of duties and studies. But I’m glad you’re interacting. You need to keep studying hard and if ya don’t reach out to your Catholic friends (that’s all of us) you might feel, well, overwhelmed.

There is one thing you should know, I feel: there’s much talk about how as a Catholic you’re going to have to suffer things for the sake of Jesus Christ and go through hardships. Well, honestly things were more violent and rotten in the past. We had to martyr ourselves literally and intellectually. But the future is so bright for Kingdom Come! The whole World is rapidly changing and is very much becoming a veritable Paradise. Additionally John, please keep doing your best as you go. It is not your suffering that pleases God but your EFFORTS. It isn’t the fights you’ve had with people on behalf of God–past and future–but every instance of true Love you have ever given and received and shared. Your studies in your new Faith, OUR new Faith, will come along rapidly more so than you may be thinking as of the advent of what I call the post-modern Matrix. That is, essentially to sum, the Internet. It will give you access to all you need to know–AND EVERY LIVING PERSON you should know.

Can you see it? “Catholics of the Future.” Don’t be frightened of the Future. The future is GOD’s very own future! So many people the world over have longed with everything to see what we are seeing in the year 2020. Have heart, faith, and understand that God’s Knowledge is literally LIFE Source for your soul. The more you Know, the more Conscious you are and the more life energy and vitality you have inside that Spirit Being of yours.

And remember this, for John and all reading this: We are the Mystical Body of Christ. That means we are connected soul-to-soul, heart to heart Even When We Can’t See Each Other. The Internet is there to help us enhance our Mystical body.
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