Holiday Books for NonBelievers?

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Anyone have any ideas for gift books for nonbelieving relatives? I don’t want to hit them over their heads, but I’d prefer to give them books with moral content (that comports with Catholicism).They all believe in “God” but don’t practice any religion and don’t really believe God is personal and cares for them… any suggestions?
The only one that comes to mind is “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. He may not have been a practicing Catholic (I’m not sure if he attended any church, at all), but his approach to social concerns was definitely Catholic. I know everyone thinks they know the story, but reading the original book is very different from just seeing a movie version. There are some lovely copies with beautiful illustrations for sale at Christmas time everywhere.
For young kids, I really like “You Are Special.” by Max Lucado. A good story that says we are all special to God, even if we think we are nothing compared to everyone else. Hardbound book, and even on video/dvd.
I too am struggling with a book idea for a female adult. Here is her situation:
  1. Protestant (the Church where she grew up is called “Evangelical Church”), but does not go to Mass much due to the distractions of a very busy schedule. Goes to Catholic Mass with me maybe once a year. Probably wouldn’t read a book like “Catholicism and Fundamentalism” because it’s too academic for her, and would take too much time.
  2. Very kind, honest person - cares for others - believes in Christ and acts very Christian. This is one of those people that you have probably read about when they say “Has taken advantage of the graces God has sent her so far”.
  3. Not very knowledgeable about Christianity - may not have ever read the Bible completely, although went to Sunday School at her church.
  4. I think she is open to Catholicism - I Bet she thinks it something she wants to pursue or think about “one day”. I want to further the cause by a book for Christmas.
  5. Gets frustrated with life (IMHO because she doesn’t have her faith and why she is here truly figured out).
What would you recommend?
I was the one who posted the original thread here, but i have a couple of suggestions for your friend as she is already “Christian” and open, it seems to learning more…

First if she really is uneducated and doesn’t even know whether she believes in Christ’s divinity (or that he even existed), get her THE CASE FOR CHRIST. This was written by an atheist reporter who just wanted to the “get the story” on whether Jesus a) was a historical figure b) what he taught… and of course, this guy ended up believing in Christ. It has a Protestant slant, but I think the investigative reporting on the historicity of Jesus (that we can believe, based on the texts we have about Jesus, that he was actually a historical figure and we can validate the accuracy of the facts written in the gospels (well, as much as we can believe in the historicity and actions of the ancient greek, roman, chinese personalities we all are taught to believe existed in history clas, for example). THus, after establishing Jesus walked the earth and did and said what is reported in the Bible, you must confront and choose for yourself (to paraphrase CS Lewis) the only 3 possible answers to the question of, " Who was Jesus?" 1) A Lunatic, 2) a Madman, or 3) who he said he was, the Lord?

If she does believe in Christ’s divinity and that the Bible is the inspired word of God, take a look at MERE CHRISTIANITY by CS Lewis. He was a very orthodox Anglican— some opined he was on his way home to Rome as he pretty much held most of the Catholic beliefs! This book is a slim gem that will, if nothing else, get your friend to understand the historical and biblical basis for Christianity presented in a most delightful way and make her confront whether or not she holds the most basic “Christian” beliefs. (I try to reread his chapter on “PRIDE” at least 1x/year during Lent!).

If you think she does hold most Christian beliefs, and you want to steer her more towards Catholicism and/or find that CS Lewis is hard to read, I would suggest getting her the Books or videotapes of the conversion stories of one or more of the great protestant converts of our time, such as Scott Hahn (evangelical minister- very intellectual -wrote “Home Sweet ROme” with wife Kimberly Hahn), Steven Ray (baptist convert, I think-he actually cries during his conversion story presented on videotape-very moving), Tim Staples (staunch bible christian turned to mush over the truths of the Catholic Church), or Alex Jones (pastor of evangelical church who converted himself, his family and many of his parishioners). These are powerful b/c each of these speakers addresses the stumbling blocks/prejudices they had about the Church (such as Mary, Confession, the authority of the Pope), and why/how they overcame these prejudices and in the end, felt COMPELLED to convert to Catholocism b/c they each realized the one, true Chruch founded by Christ was the Catholic CHurch.

Also, a terrific reversion story is Fr. Corapi (get his videotape or CD about the Lady of the Lilacs… i cry myself llistening to this story!) It would be cool to give her a videotape b/c then you could watch it together and discuss!

Perhaps one of the above would be appropriate.

God Bless.
I know this reply is a little late for Christmas gift giving (unless you exchange on the Epithany). I highly recommend The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living. It is true to the doctrine of the Church and soooo funny. Who ever said Catholic’s can’t have fun - we aren’t Puritans for pete’s sake!
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