But ONLY in todays world is this accurate… in the past, God would indeed punish people, sometimes entire towns if there was just one person being blasphemous…and we are taught God NEVER changes, not even possible, its said he will be exactly the same forever, so…??
Plus, I have known quite a few people that are not at all religious, and have no qualms about taking part in immoral sexual activity, drug and alcohol use/ abuse, extreme gambling, etc. and many of these people have lived lives this for many many years, whats even more odd, a large majority of them are pretty successful in life, (good jobs, not much stress in their lives, etc.), and each time I run into them or hear about them, they seem to be pretty darn happy and content…now I could see a fluke, year or 2, someone living like this, and only appearing to be happy, but some of these people, I know for a FACT, they are truly happy, so this really makes no sense, I dont see how this is even possible.