ADL Representatives, which are sensitive to the exclusivity of Jewish tragedy might be right from the lexical standpoint.
The Word ‘‘Holocaust’’ does not quite fit the definition of Ukrainian Genocide.
The word “holocaust” is usually traced to Wycliffe’s translation of the Bible as a burnt offering to the Lord, and indeed it is an English word from the ancient Greek words “kolos” (whole) and “caustos” (to burn). In reference to Hitler’s destruction of the Jews, it came to be used as a not quite exact translation of the Hebrew word “Shoah” (complete and utter destruction), yet evocative of what Hitler tried to do to with a people traditionally considered themselves to be chosen by God, the Jews, to destroy them entirely as a people, including burning them in ovens specially désigned for that purpose. It is not a generic term for a certain kind of crime against any given group but a specific word for a specific event and as such has entered many languages.
The word HOLODOMOR “holod” (hunger or famine) and “mor” (mass death as in a plague)is unique in its kind. ( as well as ‘‘Maidan’’ , the word ‘‘Maidan’’ is a word which describes Ukrainian revolution.)
Well, but in terms of the uniqueness of Jewish tragedy in comparison with the Ukrainian, I would say that even taking into account that the killed Jews as a nation were talented people, the people feel the same pain and all people have the same color blood.
What do you think ?
‘‘Defamation - ADL bullying Ukraine into downplaying the Holodomor as serious as the Holocaust’’
The Word ‘‘Holocaust’’ does not quite fit the definition of Ukrainian Genocide.
The word “holocaust” is usually traced to Wycliffe’s translation of the Bible as a burnt offering to the Lord, and indeed it is an English word from the ancient Greek words “kolos” (whole) and “caustos” (to burn). In reference to Hitler’s destruction of the Jews, it came to be used as a not quite exact translation of the Hebrew word “Shoah” (complete and utter destruction), yet evocative of what Hitler tried to do to with a people traditionally considered themselves to be chosen by God, the Jews, to destroy them entirely as a people, including burning them in ovens specially désigned for that purpose. It is not a generic term for a certain kind of crime against any given group but a specific word for a specific event and as such has entered many languages.
The word HOLODOMOR “holod” (hunger or famine) and “mor” (mass death as in a plague)is unique in its kind. ( as well as ‘‘Maidan’’ , the word ‘‘Maidan’’ is a word which describes Ukrainian revolution.)
Well, but in terms of the uniqueness of Jewish tragedy in comparison with the Ukrainian, I would say that even taking into account that the killed Jews as a nation were talented people, the people feel the same pain and all people have the same color blood.
What do you think ?
‘‘Defamation - ADL bullying Ukraine into downplaying the Holodomor as serious as the Holocaust’’