Holy Dwelling, Oh Holy Mary, Holy Mother of God Reflection

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I am listening to a song by a Catholic rock band called Oremus. I fell into the dark corridors of sin. Unfortunately. And what I did brought me down. I had submitted a prayer request after I fell, though after many times I fell. It was not soon and right away. I am also a day dreamer. To fight the transfusion and fix of sexual sins upon my soul, I try to listen to music often dreaming and hoping to be cured, freed of this enslavement of my passions. This time, though i’d like to listen to trance music, which is my favorite kind of music. I turned to this Catholic Rock band I’ve heard before. And particularly to this song: Holy Mary, Holy Dwelling place of God.

I continued to day dram as it were, but in the reflection of the song. Thinking what it would be like if Our Lady’s statue, preferably with the child Jesus in her arms. Like the statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. What if people sung, just as King David did before the Arch of the Covenant? But before the statue of Mary in blessed and sweet Adoration? What if this was done before abortion mills, and places often performing abortion? What if… What if the songs of old, were sung with the new heights of the Hymn? What if the songs were heard on high, and this music had babes in the expectant womb of their mother’s, may hear just as Saint John the Baptist heard, and leapt in Elizabeth’s womb?

That song makes me think of Blessed Adoration. Honestly I kept thinking standing there praying with the people, both this girl I met and married, suffering. With all the people. If we went to jail or prison because of the signs and miracles. But God has given this girl eyes for me. A certain sense and degree of hope. Where she will see me clear of danger. As God’ eyes set upon me. That He has this triumph over the land. She will go through the test of faith. For even though He shows her these inner mysteries of His love, hope, faith, strength, and fidelity. It would be a time of testing for her. And when things turn out well. We continue to go about and pray with everyone. Joining the masses of people praying and singing in Blessed Adoration before Our Lady’s statue. Who is the Arch of the Covenant.

But it was all to day dreaming because of the music I heard and listened to. A prayer of mercy for the whole world, as Saint Faustina sought.

Thanks for this post ,i never knew that a song can change people lives to conversion and such a deep meaning and insight of the song to meditate and seep in .The very realization of your sins is a very big Grace,at times even spiritual people don’t realize there sin and faults.

We should surrender our lives in the hands of Jesus through Mother Mary as she will perfect it and add her own merits to it.and have a continuous repentance (Mark 1:15) till death like st Peter and St Paul.

We Catholic don’t worship or Adore Mother Mary,but only venerate her,even it some one does it out of ignorance,she will give that Glory immediately to Jesus,as she did it in Luke 1:46-55,

A word of caution though we should be careful and discern, when we listen to unrighteous musical groups or individuals like hard metal or rock music,unchristian music,because we get faith by listening,hearing,and just the opposite will happen when we listen to unwanted music we will loose our faith as said in in Romans 10:17 So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ.

Last but not the least try to make the examination of Conscious,and make a good general confession,and come back to the sacraments and lead a good practicing Catholic.God Bless


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I know often Mary is seen as Co-Redemptrix. Mary, without Jesus, could not be the Mother of God. For her title would not deign her as Queen and Mother of all the living. For unlike the Harlot in Revelation, who is the mother of death (i.e. sin.) Our Lady stands bathed with the sun, the moon at her feet, and crowned with Twelve Stars. She had labor pangs and gave birth to a Savior. The Angel in humility had announced to Mary that God came to save His people. Wherefore He was the Son of the living God. Mary is afforded the title Co-Redemprix because of this. Any other title would be sacrilegious to her. Anything outside of Covenant terms, wherefore she is entitled Mother of God. The Theotokos. Anything outside of that would be sacrilege to her.

I know the sinister temptations in my own mind and prayer, unfortunately. Certain words like to creep up in my heart, trying to utilize goddess as a title. Of course the devil tried to depict that to Eve, tempting her towards the fall.

One thing that is a grievance between Protestantism and Catholicism is the departure from Mary. For Protestantism mainly seeks Christ with the highest honor and glory. Not to rely on Mary for their Salvation. Whereas in some area’s of Catholicism, there are those who put Mary with so much adoration, that she seems to be closer to men than Christ is. And so often she is sought instead of the Lord, God Who Saves.

Jesus is Present in the Holy Sacrament. The Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord, the God Who saves, resides and rests in the Tabernacle as He did in Mary’s arms. The child Jesus.

Blessed sweetness and adoration are owed and rendered to Him. For He died on the Cross, suffered death, and did rise from the dead, to give new life. Mary did not. But it was done no less through her cooperation. Thus, Co-Mediatrix of all graces. Which is the rightful name and title afforded her. But not death on the Cross, which the sole partaker that tasted death as it was, Jesus suffered. But Mary shared the grief of His And that is why He said on the Cross to fill her heart and remained illumined: Behold your son. Behold your mother.

Mary was surrounded by so many people who cared and loved her. For Mary took witness to this when she said: All generations will call me blessed, because the Lord has done great things for me. She said, God her Savior. The God Who saves. That is key. Blessed Adoration.

Our Lady is the Blessed Tabernacle, Treasure, and Hope in Heaven. The Arch of the Covenant. Jesus is the Lord and King in the reign of it. Through her reign as His Mother. The Co-Mediatrix of Heaven. She is the Queen of Heaven, and the Queen of Peace. Our Lady of Good Help and Prompt Succor.
Mother Mary has many titles given to her as ordained by God ,150 titles as there are 150 Psalms,its not a sacrilegious to call Her by other titles as give by the Catholic Church,and revealed to many saints through out the centuries, right from Adam and Eve as in Gen 3:15 till the end of time,like right from Genesis to Revelation.

I Peter 5:8 satan is our only enemy ,crafty and subtle,lair John 8:44,Acts 13:10.
for we are not fighting against flesh and blood. Ep 6:10-20. we have to resist him as said in 1 Peter 5:9 Resist him, steadfast in your faith, for you know that your brothers and sisters in all the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering.

Here again reminding you that Catholic don’t worship or Adore Mary but only venerate Her,some protestants out of ignorance,hatred and misconceptions,falsely proclaim such things about Mary and the Church teachings as so.They misrepresent,having false knowledge,spend all there resources,time and energy using many sites against the Catholic Church and Mother Mary and scatter Grace and bring division instead of unity and peace,well some good protestants realize their ignorance and repent and come back to the Catholic Church by God Love and Mercy.
We know who is behind all this satan 2 Corinthians 2:11 And we do this so that we may not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.

Mary always leads there children to Jesus as in John 2:4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you. She quickened the miracle even thought it was not the appointed time,so likewise She will quicken the conversions of souls,we know as a child, it is easy to run and approach our mother rather than our Father,same way here to ,how much more ore spiritual Mother Mary who suffered along with Jesus and who was united with Him in everything 1 Corinthians 6:17 But anyone united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him ,will obtain innumerable Grace when we approach Her,lets ponder such things, Mary experienced even the scourging,the crucifixion in a miraculous way more than any other saints ,so does many saints who has the Grace of the stigmata eg St Padre Pio,St Francis of Assisi and many more through the centuries

As God saved She from Sin through out Her life right from Her miraculous Immaculate Conception till Her Assumption into Heaven,who was full of Grace and Called Mother of God ,what a title!. I Agree with rest of your post. God Bless

Revelation 12:15 Then from his mouth the serpent poured water (Word of God and other false doctrine )like a river after the woman(Mother Mary), to sweep her away with the flood. 16 But the earth came to the help of the woman; it opened its mouth and swallowed the river that the dragon had poured from his mouth.Then the dragon was angry with the woman(Mother Mary), and went off to make war on the rest of her children(Catholics and other who love and honor Her), those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus.
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Dear BoyGenius,

I thank God for the Grace He gave you to begin appreciating Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church. Jesus gave Mary to us, when He spoke from His Cross on Calvary to her and to John:
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.”

Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
You have been blessed by God, and in a special way, it seems He is telling you, as He told His disciple: “Behold your Mother”. The Catholic Church takes those words very seriously, and as the disciple John obeyed Jesus by taking Mary into his home, we seek to do that also. How? There are different ways, but I believe St. John Paul II in recognizing that the literal Greek translation of those words does not include the word “home”. The word “home” is a reasonable and acceptable translation but the words in the original Greek were that John took her “into his own” and St. John Paul II heard those words as John’s taking Mary “into his own life”.

Today is the Feast Day of St. Louis Marie De Montfort, who wrote a classic treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. If you click on the link it will take you to the online version of this small but powerful book on Mary. St. John Paul II wrote that reading this book was a turning point in his young life. I believe it was for me also, and it can be for you as well. Francis has replied to you and I agree with him that the Catholic Church does not adore Mary for only God is worthy of our Adoration, but we do pay her special honor as His Mother and as His gift to us to be our Mother also.

Many Catholics are misunderstood by non Catholics, but as another saint once said “Of Mary, there is never enough” (St. Bernard). She is sinless from her conception and she bore Christ in her womb! Can we ever have enough knowledge of and love for her? 🙂
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Marvelous. Tell your Father God “all that good sincerity” in a short prayer and you will have greatly pleased Him, with your sincerity, humility, and abandonment. The saints in heaven will be smiling too, wishing that they could have prayed so well.

Then thank Him with a small perhaps hidden gesture of self-gift or charity to someone who God let’s you run across today, making their day just a bit more pleasant.

As St Josemaria Escriva said, paraphrasing, we must become the soft carpet that others can trample over, making their way more pleasant.

Thank you for this solid contribution to our study of holiness.
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