Holy Father offering Plenary Indulgence for World Day of Sick

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I guess I will have to go to confession again. Many souls need help getting out of purgatory.

Thanks for posting this info.
I guess I will have to go to confession again. Many souls need help getting out of purgatory.

Thanks for posting this info.
Hi Toni… a pleasure and happy it reached you…sorry to be a little late with my own thank you…Barb:)
Why do we have to go to Confession for the plenary indulgence if you are already in a state of grace and your venial sins are forgiven at Mass? By the time you receive the Eucharist you are free from all sin.
This was debated before the previous plenary indulgence but I never saw a clear answer, other than you have to go. For me that is not an answer and it doesn’t say why you need to go if you are not in a state of mortal sin.
Why do we have to go to Confession for the plenary indulgence if you are already in a state of grace and your venial sins are forgiven at Mass? By the time you receive the Eucharist you are free from all sin.
This was debated before the previous plenary indulgence but I never saw a clear answer, other than you have to go. For me that is not an answer and it doesn’t say why you need to go if you are not in a state of mortal sin.
It is the way of perfection. We confess our venial sins and imperfections by bringing them to the Light, and thus, receive the grace to conquer them! 🙂
It is the way of perfection. We confess our venial sins and imperfections by bringing them to the Light, and thus, receive the grace to conquer them! 🙂
I’m not against confessing venial sins. I do that once a month but as the official Church rule is that you do not have to confess venial sins but are encouraged to do so, why is it compulsory (if it actually is) before a plenary indulgence but not compulsory the rest of the time?
The document grants a plenary indulgence to baptized persons who, "*according to the prescribed conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion and prayer in keeping with the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff),

with the soul completely removed from attachment to any form of sin
  • , participate devoutly next Feb. 11 in the Cathedral of Adelaide or in any other place established by the ecclesiastical authority in a sacred ceremony celebrated to implore God for the ends of the World Day of the Sick."

As far as I know there is no compulsion to confess venial sins which other Posters have pointed out can be forgiven outside of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
If one is not in the state of serious sin at the time of going to Confession and as pointed out with no obligation to confess venial sins…one can mention sin(s) from one’s past mentioning that it is a past sin and that one has nothing to confess but would like the Grace of the Sacrament nevertheless. In order to receive the Sacrament validly one must confess a sin even if it is from the past and already subjected to Confession at a previous time.

The difficult I think condition is defining what is an ‘attachment to any form of sin’ either mortal or venial. (I have put it in red print in the quotebox above)

To my knowledge…Barb:)
Why do we have to go to Confession for the plenary indulgence if you are already in a state of grace and your venial sins are forgiven at Mass? By the time you receive the Eucharist you are free from all sin.
This was debated before the previous plenary indulgence but I never saw a clear answer, other than you have to go. For me that is not an answer and it doesn’t say why you need to go if you are not in a state of mortal sin.
Hi Thistle…I dont think your Post above has been answered in a direct way to date. To gain an indulgence or a plenary indulgence it has always been necessary to ‘do’ something…The Holy Father has simply decided what it is we need to do to gain the Plenary Indulgence referred to in this thread. One of these conditions he has decided on is to go to the Sacrement of Penance or Reconciliation, or Confession as it is often called…and even if we are in the state of Grace.

There is no necessity to go to Confession from The Church’s law position if one is in the state of Grace; however, as Catholics it is Church law by which we are bound as Catholics to go to Confession at least once a year at Easter or within the appointed time and even if we are in the state of Grace. It is simply a law of The Church binding us…and not connected with the conditions necessary to obtain the Plenary Indulgence that is the subject of this thread. Two different matters.

The Sacrament of Penance not only forgives our sins, but it grants us Supernatural and Actual Grace according to Catholic Theology which is a strength to the soul again according to our theology…hence to attend Confession and even though in the state of Grace is very meritorious and to be recommended. Also it keeps one humble…and humility is the foundation and strength of all the virtues.

Regards Thistle…Barb:)
It is the way of perfection. We confess our venial sins and imperfections by bringing them to the Light, and thus, receive the grace to conquer them! 🙂
I agree…Barb
Hi Thistle…I dont think your Post above has been answered in a direct way to date. To gain an indulgence or a plenary indulgence it has always been necessary to ‘do’ something…The Holy Father has simply decided what it is we need to do to gain the Plenary Indulgence referred to in this thread. One of these conditions he has decided on is to go to the Sacrement of Penance or Reconciliation, or Confession as it is often called…and even if we are in the state of Grace.

There is no necessity to go to Confession from The Church’s law position if one is in the state of Grace; however, as Catholics it is Church law by which we are bound as Catholics to go to Confession at least once a year at Easter or within the appointed time and even if we are in the state of Grace. It is simply a law of The Church binding us…and not connected with the conditions necessary to obtain the Plenary Indulgence that is the subject of this thread. Two different matters.

The Sacrament of Penance not only forgives our sins, but it grants us Supernatural and Actual Grace according to Catholic Theology which is a strength to the soul again according to our theology…hence to attend Confession and even though in the state of Grace is very meritorious and to be recommended. Also it keeps one humble…and humility is the foundation and strength of all the virtues.

Regards Thistle…Barb:)
Thanks Barbara. If its necessary to “do” something and that “action” is fulfilled by going to Confession in order to obtain the indulgence, even if already in a state of grace, then I understand. In one respect its a pity though because you could have Confession lines blocked up by people wanting the indulgence but already in a state of grace preventing those in a state of mortal sin wanting to confess and receive Communion.
Thanks Barbara. If its necessary to “do” something and that “action” is fulfilled by going to Confession in order to obtain the indulgence, even if already in a state of grace, then I understand. In one respect its a pity though because you could have Confession lines blocked up by people wanting the indulgence but already in a state of grace preventing those in a state of mortal sin wanting to confess and receive Communion.
Hi there Thistle…I had a peek at your profile hoping to find in which country you are residing, but it does not appear. No matter!

Here in Australia and from what I have heard it is everywhere in Australia in the parishes if one gets four people attending confession in a 45minute span of the Sacrament (some parishes 30 mins) and usually on a Saturday morning…Father would be very busy indeed by comparison with the number who usually attend and often none at all!
I can recall pre V2 needing to wait and wait until one’s turn came up to enter the Confessional…most days I attend now some 40 years after V2, I could go straight into the Confessional with no wait at all as no one is ever there but me!😃

I think our priests would be absolutely delighted and over the moon if there were heaps of people wanting to go to Confession!
Even in our big Cathedral when Confessions are heard, if I needed to wait 10 minutes it would be very unusual…there is hardly ever anyone there!

Hence from my experience I doubt very much that there would be so many people in the state of Grace for Plenary Indulgence reasons attending that people in mortal sin were unable to attend The Sacrament. From my experience to date, I just cannot anticipate this problem. Even when we have a Public Second Rite of Confession with First Rite being heard by two priests in different confessionals, hardly anyone ever goes to a Confessional for traditional First Rite private confession.

At times there is no alternative but to lay our concerns aside and just trust God to take care of things no matter outcome…once one has exhausted any available reasonable means of meeting whatever may be our concerns.

Hi there Thistle…I had a peek at your profile hoping to find in which country you are residing, but it does not appear. No matter!

Here in Australia and from what I have heard it is everywhere in Australia in the parishes if one gets four people attending confession in a 45minute span of the Sacrament (some parishes 30 mins) and usually on a Saturday morning…Father would be very busy indeed by comparison with the number who usually attend and often none at all!
I can recall pre V2 needing to wait and wait until one’s turn came up to enter the Confessional…most days I attend now some 40 years after V2, I could go straight into the Confessional with no wait at all as no one is ever there but me!😃

I think our priests would be absolutely delighted and over the moon if there were heaps of people wanting to go to Confession!
Even in our big Cathedral when Confessions are heard, if I needed to wait 10 minutes it would be very unusual…there is hardly ever anyone there!

Hence from my experience I doubt very much that there would be so many people in the state of Grace for Plenary Indulgence reasons attending that people in mortal sin were unable to attend The Sacrament. From my experience to date, I just cannot anticipate this problem. Even when we have a Public Second Rite of Confession with First Rite being heard by two priests in different confessionals, hardly anyone ever goes to a Confessional for traditional First Rite private confession.

At times there is no alternative but to lay our concerns aside and just trust God to take care of things no matter outcome…once one has exhausted any available reasonable means of meeting whatever may be our concerns.

I’m British but live in the Philippines.
My local Church has Confession twice a week for 45 - 60 minutes each. Whenever I go to Confession I like to go early to be near the head of the line. When I come out I would guess there are about 20 people waiting. The priest is usually the one saying Mass immediately after Confession and sometimes he has to tell people to wait until Mass is finished and he will hear their confessions.That would indicate to me that when an indulgence was available the lines would be considerably larger and not everyone in the Confession line would be heard before the Mass and so would not gain the indulgence.
My DH, son and I went to confession Saturday afternoon - then to 5 PM mass. Praying that we were able to gain for the souls in Purgatory!
I’m British but live in the Philippines.
My local Church has Confession twice a week for 45 - 60 minutes each. Whenever I go to Confession I like to go early to be near the head of the line. When I come out I would guess there are about 20 people waiting. The priest is usually the one saying Mass immediately after Confession and sometimes he has to tell people to wait until Mass is finished and he will hear their confessions.That would indicate to me that when an indulgence was available the lines would be considerably larger and not everyone in the Confession line would be heard before the Mass and so would not gain the indulgence.
Hi Thistle…ah yes, The Philippines…very devout Catholics. Perhpas this should be brought to the attention of the priest concerned expressing your concerns and dependant upon his response, perhaps the Bishop of your diocese should be alerted. His immediate superior in the line is the Vicar General and each country I think has one. The Vicar General reports to Rome and represents in the country, The Pope.
Perhaps in cases of Plenary Indulgences or Indulgences which include Confession within a specified time asks in your diocese/parish for Confessions to be heard more often in that period? But I would suggest you speak with your parish priest prior to making any further decisions or taking further action.

If, however, confessions were heard more regularly in an Indulgence/Confession specified period, in my particular parish and what I know of the situation Australia wide in a general sense with few going to Confession, the ‘solution’ would be a waste of the priests’ time.

I hope you can find rest and peace in your concerns.

Hi Thistle…ah yes, The Philippines…very devout Catholics. Perhpas this should be brought to the attention of the priest concerned expressing your concerns and dependant upon his response, perhaps the Bishop of your diocese should be alerted. His immediate superior in the line is the Vicar General and each country I think has one. The Vicar General reports to Rome and represents in the country, The Pope.
Perhaps in cases of Plenary Indulgences or Indulgences which include Confession within a specified time asks in your diocese/parish for Confessions to be heard more often in that period? But I would suggest you speak with your parish priest prior to making any further decisions or taking further action.

If, however, confessions were heard more regularly in an Indulgence/Confession specified period, in my particular parish and what I know of the situation Australia wide in a general sense with few going to Confession, the ‘solution’ would be a waste of the priests’ time.

I hope you can find rest and peace in your concerns.

Thanks Barb. What I should find out first of course (which I hadn’t done) is if there were additional Confession times put on for this purpose. My comments are based on there not being but I might well have made a wrong assumption. I’ll let you know.
By the way my sister is married to an Australian. They live in Mackay in Queensland.
Thanks Barb. What I should find out first of course (which I hadn’t done) is if there were additional Confession times put on for this purpose. My comments are based on there not being but I might well have made a wrong assumption. I’ll let you know.
By the way my sister is married to an Australian. They live in Mackay in Queensland.
I’ve travelled in all states here except The Northern Territory and Queensland, although I have heard of Mackay…you must be of good stock if your sister is marriedto an Aussie:D

Good luck with your research re “The Confession Question”.

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