Peace be with you!
So now the simple explanations create problems, as we can see in the following statements:
In fact, Mary is literally the mother of God, in the very same sense that your own mother is your mother.
Jesus is the Second Person of the Trinity, who is God. In becoming human, he chose Mary as his mother. Now, Persons have mothers, not natures. Do you say of your own mother: “She is the mother of my body only, but not of my soul.”? No, you say, she is MY mother. Neither does Jesus say of his mother, “she is the mother of my human nature only, but not of me.” No, because natures don’t have mothers. Persons do.
And then:
Jesus is one Person with two natures, human and divine. As a person with a human nature, he could certainly say “The Father is greater than I.” As a divine person with a divine nature, He could also say, “The Father and I are one.”
Once Mary is the Mother of Jesus, and no distinction between the two natures of Jesus. And suddenly in a next reply Jesus is acting and saying things **AS **having a certain nature…
You can’t continue in faith with vain human philosophy!
The incarnation is a mystery that even the Apostles didn’t try to explain! When talking about the blessed virgin Mary, they never call her “Mother of God”. They always respect this great mystery of incarnation, so they call her “His mother” or “mother of my Lord”…
And Jesus Himself respected this great mystery, and He always talked as the sent of the Father.
But many people today want to talk about all this in a very simple way, and they become a stumbling stone to people like Muslims…
Mary isn’t literally the mother of God, because God has no mother.
And more:
Mary can’t even be called mother of God just because she is the mother of Jesus, because it is written about Melchizedek as a symbol of the Christ:
Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually.” ( Hebrews 7:3 )
Without father, without mother…
Let’s be clear, my friends: Jesus is the incarnated Word of God, and the Word is God. Let’s not try to simplify the mystery of incarnation.
God is one. We don’t believe that God is Jesus, but we strongly believe that Jesus is God. So let’s explain this clearly to the Muslims.
And let’s also remember that Mary is called by many Christians as “Mother of God” just for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Let’s respect the truth about the Trinity, and not deny it by saying Mary is the mother of God LITERALLY. Because if we say this, we deny the Trinity. If we say Mary is the mother of God, and as God is Father and Son and Holy Spirit, and as she is not the mother of the Father nor of the Holy Spirit, then we are denying the Trinity indirectly.
Let’s love each other as Jesus loved us, and stop disputing on words created by vain human mind.
In Love,