Holy Spirit speaking to us, or just our Emotions?

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How do you all discern the difference between our own moods and emotions, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit? You hear so many Christians claiming that the Holy Spirit is moving them, inspiring them, changing them. Is the Holy Spirit responsible for all positive change in human beings?

Are humans even really able to help themselves, or is all help from the Holy Spirit? If not, then how are we to tell what is from the divine and what is merely a creation of our own imaginations or desires?
How do you all discern the difference between our own moods and emotions, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit? You hear so many Christians claiming that the Holy Spirit is moving them, inspiring them, changing them. Is the Holy Spirit responsible for all positive change in human beings?

Are humans even really able to help themselves, or is all help from the Holy Spirit? If not, then how are we to tell what is from the divine and what is merely a creation of our own imaginations or desires?
Second part first,
It’s my own personal experience that I’ve never been able to change myself on my own, by willpower or whatever. When I’ve asked God for help, and I sincerly wanted to change, He supplied the power I needed to change.

As far as guidence from the Holy Spirit, I have a hard time determining what Gods will for me is vs. what I pesonally want. Sometimes God need’s to hit me over the head with a hammer before I get it. Usually when something seems to be God’s will for me, and I choose to not follow it, it keeps coming up again and again untill I finally make the right choice.
Dear Johnson,
Do you think that if things just suddenly ‘fall into place’, such as a decision in life regarding a place to live, job, mate, etc, that it is a sign that the Holy Spirit is helping to guide? But then, sometimes in the Bible the Holy Spirit is calling on the disciples to do difficult things. It’s really hard to know the difference between the guidence of the Holy Spirit and our own justification for our desires.

Also, I’ve heard Protestant preachers proclaim that the Holy Spirit is blessing their ministries because they are growing, being successful, etc. But, in the Bible the Holy Spirit doesn’t just bless people with worldly happiness, material blessings and always having things go their own way. So, I tend to think that these preachers are grandstanding their own egos sometimes by saying that God is specifically blessing them and their efforts.
This question is addressed by two super authors:

Thomas Green, SJ in “Weeds Among the Wheat”

Benedict Groeschel, CFR in “A Still Small Voice”

Both are outstanding additions to a personal library.
Dear Al,
Thanks, those titles sound perfect. I wrote them down.
Holy cow! (hope that’s not blasphemy) What a question!

I don’t know the answer myself, but I’m sure many, or at least some, of the people who believe the holy spirit is inspiring them are wrong.

It’s so easy to think that our desires in our life are also God’s desires for us, when they may not be at all. (The reasoning often being : “if I want/love this so much, it must be because God implanted the desire in me”)
From “Fire Within” by Thomas Dubay-
"]the ‘message ’ is in accordence with the Catholic faith and morals,and therefore with scripture.Private revelations can never negate His public revelation.A word from God brings peace and calm.It often brings an unshakable certitude that things will come out as indicated, . genuine words from a divine source are not confused as our own ideas often are, .they are clear. The words comes unexpectedly and frequently contrary to what one desires or wants.The experience has nothing in common with wishful thinking or auto suggestion.It brings humility,there is little or no inclination towards self exaltation "
This passage is about what Saint Teresa calls’locutions’ somewhat difference from trying to disern Gods plan but I suppose the indications- in accordence with the Church, calm peace, humility that it brings would be the same.
I have also read several of the saints who say that if you get those really negative and demeaning voices in your head, that those do not come from God.

If you’ve seen Mel Gibson’s The Passion of The Christ, the opening scene where Jesus is in the Garden portrays this well. The devil is tempting Jesus to get Him to run away from His mission by saying things like “No one man could ever bear this burden. No one. Ever.” Sort of a “Who do you think you are to try this?” This type of taunting never comes from God.
I would say therefore when the Holy Spirit works within us it moves us to virtue and God. Never would we ‘discern’ the siggestion to commit an act that would go against the teaching of the Church… like pre marital sex, or adultry, even if we deeply desire these things.

I know that the more often we receive the eucharist, attend adoration, the closer we move towards God, even though we do not seem to be doing anything seriously about fostering the virtues. The desire to sin diminishes.

whispers from the holy spirit would always be towards good,
It is the extremely intimate nature of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that sometimes makes it hard for us to discern His movements within and His communications with us.

I do heartedly believe that moments of inspiration, when we ‘hear’ in our own voice are inspirations from heaven.

it is never in another voice but in a voice we always recognise. After all we should recognice Him, he lives and loves deep within.

I have had a few instances and they certainly were gifts.
Dear Johnson,
Do you think that if things just suddenly ‘fall into place’, such as a decision in life regarding a place to live, job, mate, etc, that it is a sign that the Holy Spirit is helping to guide? But then, sometimes in the Bible the Holy Spirit is calling on the disciples to do difficult things. It’s really hard to know the difference between the guidence of the Holy Spirit and our own justification for our desires.

Also, I’ve heard Protestant preachers proclaim that the Holy Spirit is blessing their ministries because they are growing, being successful, etc. But, in the Bible the Holy Spirit doesn’t just bless people with worldly happiness, material blessings and always having things go their own way. So, I tend to think that these preachers are grandstanding their own egos sometimes by saying that God is specifically blessing them and their efforts.
No, this is the kind of thing I’m talking about…
I believe the Holy Spirit led me back to the Church after being away for 25 years. I believe the Spirit inspired in me an interest in Eucharistic adoration, and gave me the Grace to recognised that the Eucharist is truly the Real Presence. If you had asked me a couple years ago I would have told you the Church had nothing to offer me, and now I’m back in the Church, and I cant imagine that I’d ever want to leave.
Dear Johnson,
Yet some people will say that the Holy Spirit led them out of the Catholic Church and into another. They are certain of it. From our POV they’ve been duped, but from where they stand, they are on the right path to God.
Dear Johnson,
Yet some people will say that the Holy Spirit led them out of the Catholic Church and into another. They are certain of it. From our POV they’ve been duped, but from where they stand, they are on the right path to God.
So do you think a person can ever determine if they are doing God’s will or being guided by the Spirit?
Dear Spiritblows,

Like you, my first desire after I converted, was to find out how to listen to God in order to be guided by Him, and I found that it was not an easy process to learn. Over the years, I have saved articles that were helpful, and thought I this might be a start for you.

(Some excerpts below)

… but His voice may come to us through the voice of Sanctified common sense, acting on the materials we have collected. Of course at times God may bid us act against our reason, but these are very exceptional and then our duty will be so clear that there can be no mistake. But for the most part God will speak in the results of deliberate consideration, weighing and balancing the pros and cons.

When Peter was shut up in prison, and could not possibly extricate himself, an angel was sent to do for him what he could not do for himself; but when they had passed through a street or two of the city, the angel left him to consider the matter for himself. Thus God treats us still. He will dictate a miraculous course by miraculous methods. But when the ordinary light of reason is adequate to the task, He will leave us to act as occasion may serve.

One good form of prayer at such a juncture is to ask that doors may be shut, that the way be closed, and that all enterprises which are not according to God’s will may be arrested at their very beginning. Put the matter absolutely into God’s hands from the outset, and He will not fail to shatter the project and defeat the aim which is not according to His holy will.


God’s impressions within and His Word without are always corroborated by His Providence around, and we should quietly wait until these three focus into one point.

God may delay to come in the guise of His Providence. There was delay ere Jesus came walking on the sea in the early dawn, or hastened to raise Lazarus. There was delay ere the angel sped to Peter’s side on the night before his expected martyrdom. He stays long enough to test patience of faith, but not a moment behind the extreme hour of need. "The vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and shall not lie; though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not tarry (Hab. 2:3).

It is very remarkable how God guides us by circumstances. At one moment the way may seem utterly blocked, and then shortly afterward some trivial incident occurs, which might not seem much to others, but which to the keen eye of faith speaks volumes. Sometimes these signs arc repeated in different ways in answer to prayer. They are not haphazard results of chance, but the opening up of circumstances in the direction in which we should walk. And they begin to multiply, as we advance toward our goal, just as lights do as we near a populous town, when darting through the land by night express.

Sometimes men sigh for an angel to come to point them their way; that simply indicates that as yet the time has not come for them to move. If you do not know what you ought to do, stand still until you do. And when the time comes for action, circumstance:, like glowworms, will sparkle along your path; and you will become so sure that you are right, when God’s three witnesses concur, that you could not be surer though an angel beckoned you on.

The circumstances of our daily life are to us an in fallible indication of God’s will, when they concur with the inward promptings of the Spirit and with the Word of God. So long as they are stationary, wait. When you must act, they will open, and a way will be made through oceans and rivers, wastes and rocks.

We often make a great mistake, thinking that God is not guiding us at all, because we cannot see far in front. But this is not His method. He only undertakes that *the steps *of a good man should be ordered by the Lord. Not next year, but tomorrow. Not the next mile, but the next yard. Not the whole pattern, but the next stitch in the canvas. If you expect more than this you will be disappointed, and get back into the dark. But this will secure for you leading in the right way, as you will acknowledge when you review it from the hilltops of glory.
Dear Spiritblows,

From the 3rd from last paragraph above:
… and you will become so sure that you are right, when God’s three witnesses concur, that you could not be surer though an angel beckoned you on.
This must be an old classic, for there was a wonderful evangelist who wrote a book on the three witnesses mentioned in the treatise. I have a copy and spent hours absorbing its contents and wise counsel. Unfortunately it is out of print, but you can get a used copy here:


Bob Mumford used the outline of three “harbor lights” helping us to navigate the dark waters in safety. Until all three line up, we need to wait. He shows the dangers of taking action with only two of them in place.

I think he must have been a sailor. 😃

Dear Johnson,

I’m not sure the answer to your question. Life is very subjective. All we can do is try and muddle our way through and hope we’re doing the right thing. What’s obvious to me is that nothing is obvious. I guess Joysong gets clearer messages than I because most of my life seems like random chance tempered by personal choices that I hope are the right ones.
I think we know when the experience of God’s love, the recognition of His wisdom, and the guidance of Jesus in our lives are real. I think this knowledge of what is real is itself a gift of the Holy Spirit.

“My sheep know my voice.”
Dear Spirit,
I guess Joysong gets clearer messages than I because most of my life seems like random chance tempered by personal choices that I hope are the right ones.
Not really — I struggle to hear and discern the Lord speaking, like everyone else. It just helps to make it a little easier when those who walked before us can show us some helps, as did the person who wrote the classic. We still have to do our homework in prayer, and I agree it’s not always easy.

It was a lot to digest such a long article, but I hope you will give the author’s hard work a closer look. There is a lot of wisdom in it.

🙂 Carole
Dear Spiritblows,

Like you, my first desire after I converted, was to find out how to listen to God in order to be guided by Him, and I found that it was not an easy process to learn. Over the years, I have saved articles that were helpful, and thought I this might be a start for you.
This is a fabulous link. Joysong, I’m not sure if you recall, but you recommended the same link to me several months ago. I have it, read it often, and have found it so beautiful and insightful. I have also passed it on to many others. It takes time to read and savor it, but well worth your time Spiritblows.
How do you all discern the difference between our own moods and emotions, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit?
How do I know if it’s the Holy Spirit or simply my emotions?.. First I pray…then I look at the “fruits” of the action…then there is my confidence in His gifts of Faith & Grace knowing that He always keeps His promises …
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