Holy Spirit

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Hey all!

Just wondering, does anyone have any problems with the Holy Spirit…I think of all three persons of the Trinity, it is the hardest for me to grasp and know the Holy Spirit. I realized recently that for a long time I’ve kind of pushed it off to the side and not really believed strongly in its presence. When I received Confirmation, I knew I was receiving the Holy Spirit, but I guess even today I struggle with what that really means…

Does anyone else have similar experiences or thoughts on this? Stories or advice about the Holy Spirit and it power?

In Him,
Hey all!

Just wondering, does anyone have any problems with the Holy Spirit…I think of all three persons of the Trinity, it is the hardest for me to grasp and know the Holy Spirit. I realized recently that for a long time I’ve kind of pushed it off to the side and not really believed strongly in its presence. When I received Confirmation, I knew I was receiving the Holy Spirit, but I guess even today I struggle with what that really means…

Does anyone else have similar experiences or thoughts on this? Stories or advice about the Holy Spirit and it power?

In Him,
The Holy Spirit dwells in us and prompts us to repentance and to seek God’s grace. He makes our prayers effective by making intercession with groans, as the Scripture says. He is our Comforter and Companion in this world as we awaiting the 2nd Coming of the Lord. Through him our prayers are directed to the Father and it is through his empowering that we can do good works for God and our neighbor. He enriches the prayers of the Saints, especially those of his Most Holy Spouse, the Virgin Mary.

Ask for his help and his intercession in all things knowing that he is Love itself and desires us to be at one with Himself, the Father, and the Son. Every day pray the Come Holy Spirit Prayer and dedicate your every thought word and deed to Him to be offered to the Father together with the Son and in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and all the Saints. Do this, and you will know his support and care of you.
Hey all!

Just wondering, does anyone have any problems with the Holy Spirit…
I definately do! He told me to fly to New York next week. I hate airplanes. What’s his problem bossing me around like that?

But that aside…

I used to not have a very developed knowledge/understanding/devotion to the Holy Spirit. I prayed God to help me to understand His role better. A few months later, I found myself in the Charismatic Renewal.

Now I don’t have any problem with the HS. Other then the airplane thing.

Della, that was a great response!

I heartily echo what Della said, especially about the Come Holy Spirit prayer.

Check out this famous quote from Cardinal Mercier:
I am going to reveal to you a secret of sanctity, of happiness. If every day during five, minutes, you will silence your imagination, close your eyes to things of sense, and your ears to, earthly sounds in order to enter into yourself and, there in the sanctuary of your baptized soul, which is the Temple of the Holy Ghost, speak to, this Divine Spirit saying:

O Holy Spirit, Soul of my soul, I adore You.

Enlighten, guide, strengthen and console me;

tell me what I should do; give me Your orders.

I promise to be submissive in all that You desire of me

and to accept all that You allow to happen to me.

Grant only to me to know Your Will.

If you do this will pass your life happily, serene and consoled, even in the midst of pains, because grace will be in proportion to your trials giving you strength to bear them,. Thus you will arrive at the Gate of Heaven full of merit. This submission to the Holy Spirit is the secret of sanctity.
Remember, the Holy Spirit IS a person. You can get to know Him, personally.

God bless you!
See, I guess I knew all of that…I did…it just seemed a little farther off for me in my faith. I used to question why God was so physically active and present on earth in people’s live up until Christ left earth…and then sort of disappeared. But I guess He didn’t, because He left the Holy Spirit with us. I don’t know, I just never felt like I was ever very connected to the Spirit, even in my Confirmation. Maybe it’s because I didn’t realize who He was or how much He influences my life. I’ll try harder now to know Him:) thanks bunches

In Him,
I have a very special relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is my friend and my consoler and I love Him very much.

A short while after coming back into the church I was praying after mass. A very deep, penetrating heat starting moving down my arms and into my hands. I left the church and thought “Well that was kinda strange.”

Fast forward almost a year…He’s still with me in the sense that I can physically feel Him. I have prayed and told Him that I do not need His reassurance, I believe without a “sign” but He chooses to give me the physical sense of His presence anyway. When it first started it was during mass, adoration, or prayer that I would “heat up”…sometimes my arms, sometimes my back and arms, sometimes my whole body.

I spoke with the priest at my parish about it and he said do nothing. If He is asking something of me, He’ll make it known.

Four months ago I was given a cross to carry that was almost unbearable. In fact, if I did not have my faith it would be unbearable.

Maybe the Holy Spirit has given me this physical assurance because I am weak (I tend to think this is the reason) and it is His way of consoling me. I don’t know. I don’t know what it’s about. Sometimes the heat will flare up when I enter a room and I say to Him “If there is someone in this room that needs prayers Lord, I lift them up to you that their needs will be met.”

I hope and pray for you that you will know the Holy Spirit on a more personal level. He is so very kind and loving and truly our helper and consoler on this earth.

May God bless you.
I have a very special relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is my friend and my consoler and I love Him very much…

Fast forward almost a year…He’s still with me in the sense that I can physically feel Him…

I spoke with the priest at my parish about it and he said do nothing. If He is asking something of me, He’ll make it known…

Four months ago I was given a cross to carry that was almost unbearable. In fact, if I did not have my faith it would be unbearable.

Maybe the Holy Spirit has given me this physical assurance because I am weak (I tend to think this is the reason) and it is His way of consoling me. I don’t know. I don’t know what it’s about. Sometimes the heat will flare up when I enter a room and I say to Him “If there is someone in this room that needs prayers Lord, I lift them up to you that their needs will be met.”

I hope and pray for you that you will know the Holy Spirit on a more personal level. He is so very kind and loving and truly our helper and consoler on this earth.

May God bless you.
This is awesome. God is so good.
Over the past 35 years on the Charismatic Renewal, I have seen similar things a few times. Maybe it happens more than people report.
I would guess that Our Lord in his Goodness and Mercy has consolation in your present need. He did a similar thing with me prior to my lung cancer and yet, even allowed me more time on this earth to accomplish some work that He started with me.

The neat part is how he allows you to know someone needs prayer. In the Renewal, there is something quite similar that we call the Gift (Holy Spirit Gift) of Word of Knowledge. I received this gift many years ago, although I do not see it manifested in my now. It began when I was praying with another person with the Gift of Healing for folks. I would feel pain in particular areas of my body, at times. I remember praying with a person with severe heart problems and I experienced horrible chest and shoulder pain. At first it bewildered and scared me but a Priest soon taught me what it was all about and how to release the pain. Other times I would experience the heat that you describe and once in awhile a few words would come to my mind. It allowed us to pray in a specific way for folks.

Why? well you see, at times, folks are shy about coming forward for prayer. Sometimes folks do not know what is going on with them and sometimes they simply will not say. All sorts of reasons in between. The Lord knows who needs to see this sign. I have experienced horrible pain in the hips and upper legs once, the person was sitting in the pews and I knew exactly who it was. I didn’t know this person. I just walked to him and asked him if we could pray for his hips and legs and he broke into tears. When he stood, he was seen to be in such pain he needed help to move. I was praying with a nun who had the gift of healing. It was our understanding from folks who knew him, that he did experience a healing.

Please allow this beautiful gift of the Holy Spirit to develop.

Our God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He healed when he was here on earth and he heals now.
Is the Holy Sprit present when everything seems ‘dry’?

I believe I have been going through a ‘dry’ period for a LONG time, but I am continuing on In Faith.

I believe there is a ‘misconception’ about the Holy Spirit, who HAS TO BE only present in spiritual outward conversions or miracles. I believe that is just ONE part of the work of the Holy Spirit. I pray for ‘dryness’ to end, seems like I am just looking for morer direction.
Yes, I will admit that I did not “get” the Holy Spirit for a long time. Then I attended a Charismatic prayer group that had a healing service at my (Catholic) Church. A healer layed hands on me and I FELT the Holy Spirit, IT was really miraculous and has changed my the way I view the Holy Spirit. It seems to be the part of the Trinity that touches you in a differemt way than the other parts. It is the part that is inside of you and is the part that fills the earth.

Wow I love God:) I went to Steubenville of the Rockies this weekend, and one of my main focuses was learning to know and love the Holy Spirit on a greater, more personal level. Saturday night, as all Steubenville conference veterans know, was amazing…absolutely amazing…and it was the most powerful experience I’ve had of all three conferences I’ve attended…wow…I have never felt so moved by the spirit, actually never really felt moved at all until that night when I begged Him to come into my heart. And finally, when I opened myself to Him, WHAM!!! I started crying and laughing out of pure, total, utter joy!!! My God was standing in front of me!!! He was walking through the room, praying over and blessing ALL OF US!!! and I knew then…I saw the face of God more clearly than ever before…and the Holy Spirit filled me, and I swear I’m never leaving Him again:)

Woooooha! God is AMAZING!!!

In Him, and Him, and Him,
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