Holy water question :-)

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Hi, my 7 year old son was given some holy water in his catecism class to use to bless his family, etc. He asked me if God is in the water like he is in the bread and wine. I told him no, that the priest blesses the water to make it holy. That answer did not satisfy his curiosity. Can some one help me explain what holy water is to a 7 year old? Thanks 🙂
Hi, my 7 year old son was given some holy water in his catecism class to use to bless his family, etc. He asked me if God is in the water like he is in the bread and wine. I told him no, that the priest blesses the water to make it holy. That answer did not satisfy his curiosity. Can some one help me explain what holy water is to a 7 year old? Thanks 🙂
Baltimore Catechism:
**Holy water is water blessed by the priest with solemn prayer to beg God´s blessing on those who use it, and protection from the power of darkness. **

The priest prays that those who use this water may not fall into sin; may be free from the power of the devil and from bodily diseases, etc. Therefore when they do use the water they get the benefit of all these prayers, because the priest says: “If they use it, God grant them all these things.”
Hi, my 7 year old son was given some holy water in his catecism class to use to bless his family, etc. He asked me if God is in the water like he is in the bread and wine. I told him no, that the priest blesses the water to make it holy. That answer did not satisfy his curiosity. Can some one help me explain what holy water is to a 7 year old? Thanks 🙂
It’s sort of like the difference between smelling bread baking in the oven, vs. getting to eat it. Holy water reminds us of God’s grace in the same way that when we smell a loaf of bread we are reminded of how good it tastes. But Sacraments actually give us that grace fresh, just like eating doesn’t just remind us of how good it tastes, it lets us experience it.
This may be an odd question to insert in this thread, but on the subject of holy water, a friend fo mine visited Lourdes a few years ago and brought back a small vial of the water form thee. Is this holy water? I am aware and I do not doubt the many miracles that occurred to believeras at Lourdes, but I wonder what is the technical definition of the springs?

I keep it on a small makeshift altar in my room, which I use to help me focus for prayer some times (next to my sacred heart picture, and small icons of Cathreine of Siena, St. Jude, and Mary Magdalene, and two small statues of Mary from my late grandmother’s house (the area has become quite a family-photo gathering of those whose lives have inspired me; but people are thinking it represents me transforming into a relgious nutter).
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