Holy Water - why not the whole ocean?

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This is the question my son asked me: If holy water is so special, why doesn’t a Priest bless the entire ocean? Then whenever someone goes into it, they would be blessed? How does this mother respond???
carol marie:
This is the question my son asked me: If holy water is so special, why doesn’t a Priest bless the entire ocean? Then whenever someone goes into it, they would be blessed? How does this mother respond???
Well this would go to the fact that Holy Water is a sacramental.

We must protect sacramentals from desecration and misuse.

How could we protect the ocean?
Hi Carol,

Things are blessed so that they are set aside for religious purposes. The ocean as such is not for religious purposes.

I like the way your son thinks…and what a cute question! 🙂

And thank you for taking the time to find out how to answer the question rationally, rather than giving the cop-out answer of , “That’s a silly question” or “Because God doesn’t do things that way” Or, “It’s a mystery…ask God someday when you get to heaven”.

Seriously, that’s how my questions were answered when Mom didn’t know.

So keep up what you’re doing!👍
yes - we must prevent desecration of blessed objects.

i don’t see, however, how the ocean is not ‘for religious purposes’. can you explain what you mean, verbum?
Hi Jeff,

Well, the burden of proof would be on you, wouldn’t it? You think the ocean is for religous purposes? If so, then everything is for religious purposes.

yes. i would say that God made everything, for the purpose of bringing Him glory and bringing us reasons for praising Him.

those sound like ‘religious purposes’ to me.

how do you say they’re not? (i don’t mean this argumentatively)
yes. i would say that God made everything, for the purpose of bringing Him glory and bringing us reasons for praising Him.
That’s a good point and also the answer to your question: as everything was created by God’s grace, we praise Him through something, limited beings as we are. In the same manner, all days are the Lord’s, but we must praise the Lord some day. Therefore, we praise God on Sundays at church.

We’re not like angels who comprehend outside of space and time, rather we only comprehend within the limitations of space and time we’re bound to.

Our senses disregard continuous stimuli. A background noise is soon ignored by our hearing. Our eyes make tiny movements even as we focus them in one point, or the image fades away.
Some emotions can be shut down if constant. That’s how we’re wired.

And to this thread’s subject, our attention in God’s grace gets focused by one object thus made sacred, a sacramental.

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