Home schooler mom's

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I will be homeschooling my dd for the first time for next year. She will be starting 3rd grade. I want to do the Seton program, but I looked at their curriculum for the third grade and it looks to simple for her. How do I know if she should start at the fourth grade level? I was told by the school she goes to now that they are advance in each grade. I don’t want her to be bored and unchallenged.

I know that Seton has a placement test. Will this then do the job and determine which grade she should go in? Am I understanding this correctly?

Any advice please will be appreciated? Thanks.😉
I don’t know about Seton’s policies specifically, but I’m sure if you call them, they’ll answer your questions. I don’t know if you looked at Kolbe Academy’s curriculum, but one reason we went with them is that the curriculum seems to be much more challenging. We’ve also got advanced learners and they needed that. In any case, usually you have the option to customize your child’s curriculum as necessary - maybe making one subject a grade level higher, substituting a different book, etc.
We use seton and it is not easy. Yes, the test will help you identify where your child is. But you can return the books if they are not the right level. PLEASE know that a lot, especially Math and English and Religion is repeat. Such as this year in math, our 6th grader is breezing right through but we stop when she has a hang up.
I would try/look at the material for the grade level first. And if she is truly advanced, then return.

Repition is the Mother of Knowledge 😃
We use seton and it is not easy. Yes, the test will help you identify where your child is. But you can return the books if they are not the right level. PLEASE know that a lot, especially Math and English and Religion is repeat. Such as this year in math, our 6th grader is breezing right through but we stop when she has a hang up.
I would try/look at the material for the grade level first. And if she is truly advanced, then return.

Repition is the Mother of Knowledge 😃
I’m an eclectic homeschooler in that I use several different sources for my school. I use Seton for the bulk though and like what I use.

I use Saxon Math but not as Seton suggest. My fifth grade daughter uses Saxon 65, which Seton does not recommend until sixth grade. I use Abeka for my third grader’s math but I will use Saxon next year for her also.

MY children enjoyed the workbooks on Maps. They also liked the Religion workbooks. These came from Seton.

I use Wordsmith for my fifth grader for writing and Easy Grammar for english. I got those books from Learning Streams. learningthings.com/

Next year, I will use Seton’s suggesting for writing and perhaps their english grammar.

Next year I am using the same Apologia book for science for both my daughters. Seton sells Apologia and it looks good.

I’m not certain what I am doing for history, though.

I am using a type of spelling called Avko, which came from another site. My youngest daughter seems to have the same problems spelling and reading that her older brother-who was dyslexic-had. This spelling program is supposed to be very good for such children. avko.org/BookStore/Sequential_Spelling.htm

A very expensive program I got for Spanish was Powerglide. I bought it directly from the company. We were unable to start it this year but I am planning to implement it next year.
Deb, check out the history books with Seton. I can only attest to them because this is all we have ever used, but we really like them. The tests are difficult but we like the fact that she is challenged.
Deb, check out the history books with Seton. I can only attest to them because this is all we have ever used, but we really like them. The tests are difficult but we like the fact that she is challenged.
I usually try and use the same history books for my fifth grader that I do my third grader. I plan to do this until the older girl reaches highschool age. I do the same with science.

I’ll check out the sixth grade history book.🙂
You may want to look at Our Lady of Victory Homeschool. It is quite advanced and has a lot of work, so your child would have lots and lots to learn and do. The products of their LePanto press are quite good.
They are super orthodox and excellent academically.

I personally do not use them completely because I like putting together my own program and I find that they seem to think that every child from the age of 4 up needs to spend many hours on sit down school work. They are very much the school at home type.
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