Home Schooling Being Eliminated in Germany?

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Not sure if this is the right category for this new thread, but here goes:

I was listening to a radio program and in passing they mentioned that religion is being effectively persecuted in Europe.

The radio progam is “Two Nice Jewish Boys” (Jonathan Cahn & Gary Selman). I was just surfing the radio and happened upon the program. It’s on WWDJ in Hackensack, NJ AM 970. at 10pm. Wednesday.

In Germany, home schooling is being eliminated. Children must be educated in government schools.

In France, churches are supposedly being monitored by government “agents” (employees).

It was a very brief, in passing, comment. But I found it of concern.

Has anyone else heard about these events / issues?
I’ve read-but I don’t remember where-that German authorities thought that homeschooling set up parallel societies. I am uncertain if that is the exact wording that was used but it was very similar.

From what I’ve read it sounds like the German government is not afraid that homeschooling parents won’t educated their children well but are more afraid that the kids will end up believing different then the mainstream Germans do.

Because I am an American, my bias is toward individualism, so this type of thinking seems odd to me.

I am not a big fan of World Net Daily but they have had a few articles on this topic, also.
some Germans want homeschooling because the schools there are going down the drain. I’m not from there & I really sympathize with parents who want to raise their children well.
some Germans want homeschooling because the schools there are going down the drain. I’m not from there & I really sympathize with parents who want to raise their children well.
Perhaps these parents will legally immigrate to the United States where we have, so far, are allowed to homeschool.🙂
In Germany, home schooling is being eliminated. Children must be educated in government schools.
Actually, homeschooling is not “being eliminated”. Homeschooling has been illegal in Germany since 1938 when Hitler outlawed it.

Thus far, the German people do not seem inclined to change their law-- which they could easily do if they chose to. The Germans, as a whole, are anti-homeschooling.
In France, churches are supposedly being monitored by government “agents” (employees).

The only thing close to that is a government agency in France that monitors the activities of cults-- not unlike some that come under surveillance here (think fundamentalist mormon cult in Utah and Texas, David Koresh, etc).
In Germany, home schooling is being eliminated. Children must be educated in government schools.

In France, churches are supposedly being monitored by government “agents” (employees).

Has anyone else heard about these events / issues?
I’m a member of Home School Legal Defense Association, and we regularly get updates on the legal struggles of homeschoolers in Germany (and other parts of the world). People homeschool for many different reasons, but the ones I hear about in Germany are homeschooling for religious reasons, to keep their kids away from gov’t sex education, inappropriate (pornographic) reading assignments, bad peer influences, etc.

To read some of HSLDA’s recent articles on German homeschoolers, see


I’ve heard the “parallel societies” the Germans are afraid of have more to do with large and growing Muslim immigrant populations contemptuous of mainstream German secular society, but I’m guessing it’s safer to harrass and prosecute the few native German Christian homeschoolers. I could say something about rioting in the streets and terroristic threats upon local authorities, but I guess that would be uncharitable of me.

I haven’t heard anything about France, though.
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