We decided that I would home school my granddaughter this year. We were going to do it anyway for middle school, but dcided to start with 5th grade since I am retired now. She did not do well with the e-learning through the public school last spring, even with her mom working from home. Now her mom is in the office at least 3 days/week and the schools have decided to continue virtual learning in the fall with proposal for hybrid learning in the spring. We could possibly deal with the school’s virtual learning (with a little help from grandma) but would have to stick to their schedules. I would not be able to help with hybrid due to my own health issues & potential exposure to all the regular kid germs thy pick up in school, not to mention COVID. So we opted for the flexibility of homeschooling. My daughter-in-law has homeschooled my other grands for years - she is now my mentor. I looked at two Catholic programs - Seton and Catholic Heritage Curriculum - but my daughter decided on a really basic online program from Time4Learning. It covers the 4 core subjects - Language Arts, Math, Social Studies & Science; however, Maryland law also requires Art, Music, Health & PE, so I had to find/build curriculum for these “extra” subjects. COMAR rules are vague & the state standards are complicated, but it helps to review them. (Though I could bet that the public schools don’t cover half of what is in the standards). PE - she has covered with tumbling & cheer practice. I integrated Music & Art with Religious Ed (family formation) topics using crafts & songs from VBC with some techniques & theory included. She may opt to continue playing the viola (hasn’t touched it since March), but that would require lessons (I can teach music theory & keyboard, but have no viola skills). For Health, I chose 4 “modules” - Emergency Preparedness (from Scouts), Protect Yourself Rules (from Scouts), Family Life (from Religious Ed) and Substance Abuse prevention (because that is my field). My daughter submitted her intent to home instruct, received a confirmation letter & forwarded it to the school - so it is official.