Homosexual Activism: the Battle Wages On

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From Stephen Bennett

Friday, July 29, 2005

Homosexual Activism: the Battle Wages On​

Over the past several weeks, it seems homosexual activists have launched a
vicious, full scale attack against men and women who have abandoned the
homosexual lifestyle - for Jesus Christ.

I’m sure many of you by now have heard he story of Zack, a young 16 year old
teen, who “came out” as a homosexual to his Christian parents. Concerned,
they decided to put Zack into the Love In Action (LIA) program - a live-in
program for several weeks. LIA helps individuals to understand the root
issues behind same-sex attraction, and gives individuals the biblical
foundations and encouragement to change their unnatural behavior through
Jesus Christ.

LIA’s founder, John Schmid - a former homosexual man, now married, came
under personal attack. Homosexual activists protested daily in front of
LIA’s center in Tennessee. The State also launched a “full scale
investigation” into LIA - which eventually was dismissed.

Zack is being released today back to his family. Please keep Zack and his
family in your prayers.

Exodus International has been under fire for a group photo of conference
attendees - used for years - on their literature and on their website.

A man featured in the photo - Shawn O’Donnell - who now has given up hope
for change and immersed himself completely into the homosexual lifestyle -
wants his image “air brushed” out of the photo. I’m sure there was a release
each individual had to sign, to be included in the public photo.

This homosexual individual is now being encouraged by homosexual activists
to pursue legal action.

Soul Force - a homosexual activist organization which claims to be
evangelical Christian, planned a major protest at Focus on the Family’s
headquarters months ago. Dr. Dobson shut the public facilities down that day
and featured Mike Haley - a former homosexual man, now happily married with
children, on his radio broadcast that day instead.

A homosexual publication, “Bay Windows,” wrote an scathing article about
“…locking up ALL former homosexuals.”

Yes, how “tolerant” of those who demand “tolerance.”

In Massachusetts - home of “gay” marriage - new homosexual pornographic
billboards have been put up around the state - one featuring two half naked
homosexual men - embracing, wrapped in nothing but an American flag. It then
lists a website where homosexuals can go to meet others for “hooking up” -
another term for “meeting for sex.”

With many calls, SBM’s partners along with Alliance8.org and others, got
Clear Channel Communications - to take the pornographic billboards down AT
ONCE. Imagine the poor children who had to see those visual images.

I personally was not left out of those being attacked.

After having a chance to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and my testimony
of leaving my homosexual lifestyle with the infamous Rosie O’Donnell, she
responded to me personally with vicious comments and e-mail. Now, a hate
website of disgruntled homosexual men and women personally attack my family
and me there weekly.

Why such “increased” attacks against those who have left their unwanted
homosexuality, for fulfilled, heterosexual lives according to God’s natural
design and plan for human sexuality?

Because “former homosexuals” are the biggest threat and obstacle to the
militant homosexual activist movement.

You see, if WE “exist” and people can TRULY “change” - which they obviously
can - the entire homosexual movement, “gay” marriage, “gay” adoption and
this nonsense of homosexual “civil rights” - all goes down the tubes. It
crumbles. It doesn’t stand. It can’t. And homosexual activists are mad as
Yet during the midst of these past several months of militant attacks, many
wonderful stories of are going unheard. Homosexual men and women who have
contacted SBM and have given their lives to Jesus Christ. They have begun
their new journey down the path of change.

In the past week alone, I have received many calls from homosexual men and
women who “want out” of the homosexual lifestyle. Many of these individuals
received my “I Was Gay” tract at “gay” pride parades all over America. I
personally spoke with them, prayed with them and sent them many resources.

Over the last several months, we’ve also personally opened our home to
individuals from around the country truly seeking for change. We have a
married couple from the deep south flying in next weekend to deal with a
spouse and his same-sex struggles. A mom and her 12 year old son from the
Midwest just spent a weekend with our family several weeks ago. Sadly, her
son wants to be a girl.

We truly have a heart for ministry - and a heart to reach the homosexual man
and woman for Jesus Christ.

SBM has committed this ministry to walk through the fire and through
every storm - to help every and any individual TRULY seeking help. As I’ve
said numerous times before, the phones ring non-stop - and we now have
people 24 hours a day available for those in need.

Your prayers and financial help is always needed, for SBM exists solely on
the prayers and financial support of individuals like you.

As we get set to launch a nationwide tour of America and Canada in the
fall - preaching the truth about homosexuality and taking a biblical stand
for the God ordained institution of marriage between one man and one woman
only - we need your help now more than ever.

As I’ve said before, the summer months are extremely slow in financial
giving, yet the calls for ministry are DRAMATICALLY on the increase. SBM
needs your help NOW.

We sincerely thank those who have stepped up to the plate and partnered with
SBM in the past several weeks. Thank you - and we love truly love and
appreciate you!

Would you prayerfully consider making the best financial gift you can TODAY
to help SBM reach as many homosexual men and women as possible? Never before
has such a vital ministry been needed - FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.

YOU may not be able to go on the front lines - BUT WE CAN. You can help us
do so financially. $10, $25, $50, $100, $1,000 or more. EVERY single dollar
counts and helps.

The BEST way you can help SBM is by becoming a MONTHLY SUPPORT PARTNER.
Are you willing to sacrifice $15 or more a month - the cost of a pizza - to
reach a soul for Jesus Christ? PLEASE…

In September, it will be FIVE YEARS in ministry - and the Lord has provided
through people like YOU. Together, we are making a MAJOR DIFFERENCE in the
lives of men and women around the world!

To make a tax deductible gift TODAY to the ongoing, evangelistic work of SBM
in reaching the homosexual for Jesus Christ, you may donate securely on-line
at sbministries.org/donation.html. Use any major credit card or

You may also give by calling SBM Nationwide Toll-Free at 1-800-832-3623.

You may send your tax deductible gift by mail to:​

SBM - P.O. Box 2095, Huntington, CT 06484-1095

If you are DEEPLY concerned as WE are about the increased militant movement
of homosexual activism. the attack on marriage and the family as we know
it - PLEASE help SBM reach the individuals BEHIND this movement: the
homosexual men and women.

It is one changed heart at a time - through the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

I hope and PRAY to hear from you TODAY. Thank you and may the Lord bless
you. I truly appreciate you all!

Your brother in Christ,

Stephen J. Bennett
Executive Director, SBM
SBM National Offices
PO Box 2095
Huntington, CT 06484-1095
National Offices (203) 926-6960

*PS - For your gift of $15 or more, I will send you as my gift to you SBM’s
BRAND NEW, JUST RELEASED CD, “Faith Under Fire: Homosexuality - Man’s Word
vs. God’s Word.” This CD is powerful and will benefit anyone. Thank you and
may the Lord richly bless you!
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