I wonder what the EU will do?
PFHomosexual Activists in EU Parliament Vow to Oppose Latvian Pro-Family Measure
Overwhelming majority of lawmakers support constitutional measure to ban gay “Marriage” in Latvia
By Terry Vanderheyden
RIGA, December 2, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Homosexual-activist members of the European Parliament are vowing to take Latvia to task over a proposed bill to enshrine the traditional definition of marriage in the Latvian constitution – making it impossible for an activist court in Latvia to impose the measure.
An overwhelming majority of Latvian legislators – 73 out of 100 – confirmed the traditional marriage definition proposal on second reading Friday. Only two members opposed the measure on second reading, down from five on first reading. A minimum two-thirds majority vote on a third and final reading will confirm the amendment.
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