A serious question for serious-minded people… Please refrain from any invectives or “hijacking” of this thread.
Given the inherently sterile nature of the homosexual act, could one legitimately argue that the homosexual act is more entropic than suicide?
We can state that the homosexual act - in a singular instance - necessarily frustrates our natural design to be prolific. Each act not only eliminates the singular transmission of one life, but it eliminates the possibility of any future generations that may have proceeded from that one act; had it been performed in its proper context.
Could one argue that because the homosexual act frustrates the very act meant to propagate the species it is, as a singular act, more entropic than suicide, given that suicide is devoid of any sexual context?
I have been pondering this question for some time and need some outside commentary as I have hit something of a wall: Suicide could be seen as the ultimate entropic act as it totally precludes any hope of further progeny, but the homosexual act thwarts the only natural means by which we may transmit life. The transmission of life, from a certain biological perspective, is the primary objective of every living organism.
Therefore, which is more disordered: purposely inhibiting one’s ability to effectively implement one’s primary animal objective or speeding up the inevitable?
Thanks for your help!
Given the inherently sterile nature of the homosexual act, could one legitimately argue that the homosexual act is more entropic than suicide?
We can state that the homosexual act - in a singular instance - necessarily frustrates our natural design to be prolific. Each act not only eliminates the singular transmission of one life, but it eliminates the possibility of any future generations that may have proceeded from that one act; had it been performed in its proper context.
Could one argue that because the homosexual act frustrates the very act meant to propagate the species it is, as a singular act, more entropic than suicide, given that suicide is devoid of any sexual context?
I have been pondering this question for some time and need some outside commentary as I have hit something of a wall: Suicide could be seen as the ultimate entropic act as it totally precludes any hope of further progeny, but the homosexual act thwarts the only natural means by which we may transmit life. The transmission of life, from a certain biological perspective, is the primary objective of every living organism.
Therefore, which is more disordered: purposely inhibiting one’s ability to effectively implement one’s primary animal objective or speeding up the inevitable?
Thanks for your help!