Homosexual parents?

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Often times I hear proponents of same sex marriage argue that since children of homosexual couples develop “normally” there is no need for opposite sex parents. They often cite scientific literature showing that children with same sex parents aren’t psychologically different from children with opposite sex parents and that they are just as happy and fulfilled as those with opposite sex parents. How do we argue against this for traditional families?
There are some studies that show normal development in these children, but often because these kids have opposite sex family members/etc in their lives. Just like how we see that children of single mothers tend to do much better when they have male figures in their lives.

I guess one can say that nuclear families still seem to be superior than other family models, because these kids do not necessarily need ‘extra’ figures in their lives to offset potential negative effects, but I would have to see data on that first.
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The thing is, to my mind, that even if it were shown that the children of homosexuals were happier, more intelligent and more likely to become faithful Catholic, Catholic teaching would still oppose homosexual sex, unions and marriage.

I do not understand why so many arguments about consequences are raised by Catholics.
I do not understand why so many arguments about consequences are raised by Catholics.
Probably because so many assertions about “lack of consequences” or “positive consequences” are raised by non-Catholics.
I have had direct experience in regards to this. Develop “normally” in those studies means the child is cared for and raised on a secular level. However, the child is influenced by the homosexuality relationship of parents negatively. I’ve seen a young boy wear makeup, dress in drag, and wear high heels for fun. This is not normal development and is actually detrimental to the overall health of the child. So I would say it is not ok for moral reasons which are the most important because our purpose in life is to know, love, and serve God and be with Him in heaven.
The issue is too new for studies to have any credibility.

The problem is, 20 years from now, if the studies show that the children are negatively impacted by being raised by gay parents, it’ll be too late.

The children are the victims of social engineering and they’re welfare is rarely up front by gay parents.

There is a reason why God created male and female.
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I do not understand why so many arguments about consequences are raised by Catholics.
We do not always see the consequences of a given course of action. This is the truth behind the scripture verse, “ “Sometimes there is a way that seems to be right, but in the end it is the way to death.” (‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:25‬). If God really is all knowing and loves me deeply, I’d be a fool to embrace what He says to run from, regardless of whether I see the cause & effect between my sinful actions and the consequences.

We do this for our small children all the time. We warn them against actions that will lead to consequences they can’t possibly see or yet understand. It is wise to keep in mind that we, like they, don’t always see those unforeseen consequences.
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I have no studies to quote or personal (name removed by moderator)ut other than i dont agree with same sex couples personally.

I question how this scenario is much different than children of heterosexual couples who remain married and faithful vs broken marriages or multiple marriage couples, and how that affects their children.

Do more children end up being gay or have broken marriages of their own based on their parents marriages.

Maybe some can provide some insight as to whether or not any of it affects the children as adults.
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