I like finding arguments that go contrary to what I believe, in a sense, to know how to answer them if they come up in a conversation. I recently thought of an argument that’s used again homosexuality that could apply to kissing. The argument goes like this: homosexuality (or sodomy, however you want to call it) is immoral because it’s an act that goes against natural law because the . . . male reproductive organ was not made to be put in another man’s bottom. . . . That’s the jist of the argument and it isn’t perfectly put but the point stands. That being said couldn’t this same argument apply to kissing? Mouths by their nature weren’t made to kiss other mouths. It’s rather an entrance for food etc. Therefore it’s an immoral act. Obviously I have no problem with kissing but I’m trying to reconcile these 2 arguments because I genuinely believe the logically follow if one is being consistent. Is kissing therefore sinful?
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