I am relating this too sin. God created us uniquely. For some it is easier to love. For others it is difficult. It seems like each of us “need” God for various reasons. Some people are more dependent on God, while others could lead a perfect life on Earth without him. There is this whole thing about being judgmental and how Jesus was the harshest on those who acted that way. Isn’t being judgmental another flaw? Or is it worse? I know Christians are stereotyped for being judgmental. To be fair, there are Christians who honestly are very judgmental. Is this the worse possible personality flaw? I know God gives us free-will. Part of me honestly believes for whatever reason certain people have stronger tendencies in areas naturally. For example, me I could never steal for some reason. I am not saying I am so righteous. Personally, that is not a sin I can commit. I have others I can commit without much guilt.