Honorary Catholics?

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Staff member
On the lighter side for a change:

Who would any of you regard as an “honorary Catholic” — that is to say, not formally a member of the Catholic Church, yet having some kind of quality, a degree of orthodoxy, manifest charity, admirable life, what have you, that you would regard as the mark of an exemplary Catholic?

To get things started:
  • C.S. Lewis comes immediately to mind, and let me deal with this up-front, I realize he was an Anglican, and Anglicans regard themselves as Catholics. All well and good. You can think of this as the question of being an honorary Roman Catholic.
  • Audrey Hepburn, “just because”, and because I like her. An absolute mensch in the humanitarian world. Class and femininity personified.
  • Ronald Reagan, anyone? The tragic thing is that he would have actually been a Catholic, had his father not acquiesced to his mother raising him as a Protestant. (I believe the Church actually gave permission for this, foreseeing that his mother would be better able to give him a Christian upbringing.)
  • George Washington — he was very fond of Catholic moral and ethical teaching, and even attended Mass from time to time. Some suggest that he died a Catholic. Let’s hope so.
  • Jefferson Davis — he actually asked to become a Catholic as a schoolboy, and his Dominican teachers turned him down. Pity. He even wore the Brown Scapular and was given a requiem funeral Mass. Pius IX befriended him during and after the WBTS.

Any others?

Don’t take this discussion any more seriously than it’s intended. This is not a question of who saved their soul and who didn’t. It is more in the nature of “who really should have been a Catholic?”.
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My nomination is Desmond Doss, the real-life hero who inspired the movie, ‘Hacksaw Ridge’. He was Seventh Day Adventist but his selfless sacrifice in saving many comrades on the field of battle In World War II exemplified many virtues held in high esteem by Catholics.
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Fred Rogers

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If he were not already Catholic, I would definitely vote for Alex Trebek. Total class act, very erudite and well-spoken. Speaks North American English the way it should be spoken. A true Catholic gentleman.

Let us pray for his health.
Bob Hope and John Wayne also were received into the Church before their death, Mr Hope several years before once he retired from the entertainment business, Mr Wayne on his deathbed.
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