I know we’re to honor our father and mother, but am not entirely sure what that involves. I have a biological father who may’ve molested me, who used to rant and rage at home, whom I’ve not seen in over 35 years, whom I wouldn’t walk across the street to see. I’ve tried to pray for him-- I say the words, but I feel nothing.
I had a step-/adoptive father who was unpleasant, sour-tempered, overly-strict, and used humiliation and mockery as his chief child-raising techniques. We sort of made peace before he died, but I’m still angry about a lot of things.
I love my mom, but in recent years she’s turned into an unpleasant nag. She treats me like a child. Every time I try to talk to her about my problems she dismisses them and holds forth on how much worse her life has been. She accuses me of self-pity, while failing to notice her own. Some people have suggested she might have borderline personality disorder. She’s very hard to deal with, and she makes my life very difficult.
So how do I “honor” these difficult people?
I had a step-/adoptive father who was unpleasant, sour-tempered, overly-strict, and used humiliation and mockery as his chief child-raising techniques. We sort of made peace before he died, but I’m still angry about a lot of things.
I love my mom, but in recent years she’s turned into an unpleasant nag. She treats me like a child. Every time I try to talk to her about my problems she dismisses them and holds forth on how much worse her life has been. She accuses me of self-pity, while failing to notice her own. Some people have suggested she might have borderline personality disorder. She’s very hard to deal with, and she makes my life very difficult.
So how do I “honor” these difficult people?