I’ve been having quite a time trying to understand the difference between ‘veneration’ and ‘worship’. And that despite the fact that I’ve read and reread the excellent apologetics on this web site, as well as those on www.ewtn.com
I’ve been thinking that, in as much as Catholics don’t seem to have this trouble, I’d ask for your help via a concrete example.
Let’s say that I stroll into church one afternoon - perhaps a few hours after hurricane Helga has just veered away from the harbor, leaving my modest 12 foot sailboat unharmed. Anyhow, I hit my knees (some Protestant churches have kneelers, by the way!) and begin to ‘share’ with the fellow who - during my college years - I always claimed as my ‘patron saint’ - Jack Daniels:
“Hail, bottled friend , source of all merciful numbness**…”
and shortly thereafter I really get into it. How do I recognize when I have reached the points that separate dulia from hyperdulia, and hyperdulia from latria, and I’m no longer ‘venerating as a friend’ or ‘venerating as The Mother of God’, but ‘worshiping as I should only worship God’?
Where exactly ARE those dividing lines between the two levels of ‘veneration’, and ‘worship’, and how does one know when they have been crossed?
Thanks for your helpful insights.
I’ve been having quite a time trying to understand the difference between ‘veneration’ and ‘worship’. And that despite the fact that I’ve read and reread the excellent apologetics on this web site, as well as those on www.ewtn.com
I’ve been thinking that, in as much as Catholics don’t seem to have this trouble, I’d ask for your help via a concrete example.
Let’s say that I stroll into church one afternoon - perhaps a few hours after hurricane Helga has just veered away from the harbor, leaving my modest 12 foot sailboat unharmed. Anyhow, I hit my knees (some Protestant churches have kneelers, by the way!) and begin to ‘share’ with the fellow who - during my college years - I always claimed as my ‘patron saint’ - Jack Daniels:
“Hail, bottled friend , source of all merciful numbness**…”
and shortly thereafter I really get into it. How do I recognize when I have reached the points that separate dulia from hyperdulia, and hyperdulia from latria, and I’m no longer ‘venerating as a friend’ or ‘venerating as The Mother of God’, but ‘worshiping as I should only worship God’?
Where exactly ARE those dividing lines between the two levels of ‘veneration’, and ‘worship’, and how does one know when they have been crossed?
Thanks for your helpful insights.