Hope vs. presumption

  • Thread starter Thread starter JosephDColeman
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Hello everyone.

I’m curious how some of you deal with the dilemma of hope vs presumption in your personal life. I am not talking about hope of heaven, I mean in goals you have in life. Do you pray and hope God will give you what you pray for? Is someone who prays and is at ease and trusts that God will fulfill his goal being presumptuous to assume God will give him what he prays for?

A little context…I was divorce over a year ago and had to temporarily locate to another state for rehab. My kids live with their mom and since I haven’t been able to find a job that pays enough to move back I have been stuck far away from my children for over a year. I pray daily that God will make a way for me to be closer, but I have been praying for over a year and nothing has happened. Am I presuming God will answer this? Maybe He wants me to be away from them. In short, how can I know that when I pray to be closer to my kids God wants that for me and will answer and help? I know God can’t be bribed or told what to do…can I assume since what I pray for is good (my kids having their Dad around) it’s in God’s will?
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I believe that God, if you are willing to accept His will, will provide you with what you need to endure and to accomplish what is necessary in your life. That is a hard situation you have described. I do not envy you and it sounds like a heavy cross…but I would use this time to accept this as what has happened and to persevere and use this to develop in virtue, and a Godly life.

In time, God will answer your prayers certainly if they are in accordance with his will.
Do you pray for your WIFE, that she would be a GOOD
parent to them? Do you forgive God/your job situ/your-
self? Have you tried social media and texting phoning
them or is that out of the question?
I take it that ur missing the point of my post, do you PRESUME that since what you HOPE for is desirable, it must be answered by God?
He works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform, He will certainly answer ur prayers, whether it’s “yes”, “no” or “wait” His timing is never late, my friend in Christ!
I too have asked for many things in my life that God thought it best not to give me.

Most of them are now over, like my beloved bride who, despite being spiritually close to me, will not rise again to this earthly life.

However, I do not regret any of the many requests I made to God, in a thousand situations: sometimes He granted me immediately, other times after more or less time, other times as I said he did not listen to me, but he gave me other things of value .

So I would say you ask God for that very important thing you said and, whatever happens, you won’t have wasted time and you will have pleased God.
In a case like yours, where you need a job and simply can’t find an opportunity in a certain area in a time when jobs are harder to come by due to an unforeseen pandemic, I’d just keep making my best effort to find a job and pray to God to please help you find a way to be closer to your kids.

Is someone who prays and is at ease and trusts that God will fulfill his goal being presumptuous to assume God will give him what he prays for?
Yes, for what a person prays for may not be in accord with wisdom of the Holy Trinity, that orders all events in creation so that the end for which it was created may be realized.
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