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I’m preparing a catechism lesson for grade nine (14-15 year olds) confirmation students (lesson is taking place Sunday, October 24)… We’re tackling the theological virtues- and we’re on HOPE! Any ideas for games, skits, activities, connections with today? Unfortunetly the program given to us to use isn’t very thick with substance, I’m drawing on other catechism programs, as well as scripture, Catholic literature, a little C.S. Lewis and the Catechism of the Church…
Please let me know what you think!
The quote in your signature might be a good place to start. Also that the Gospels were called “The Good News”. You could try and link our hope in God with the way we look ‘hope’ for a present from our parents etc.
guess I am a little late. what program does your DRE want you to use? are they preparing for confirmation? PM me, maybe I can help. I always ask my catechists to read the catechism sections that are cited in their teacher’s guide for the lesson, and the scripture citation. I hope that helps them plan their lesson, and helps them to learn more. A bible concordance that hooks you to relevant scriptures can also be a good starting point.
Dear Mary,

I hope I am not too late in posting this for what it is worth. When I think of hope in the Lord, I think of Pentecost, that the apostles believed that Jesus would send His Holy Spirit and they waited and hoped patiently for the arrival of the Holy Spirit and what a gift this is!!!

I also think of the hope that the centurion held in Jesus, he believed in Jesus he hoped he would cure his servant and asked and because of his faith, his servant was healed even without Jesus entering his home.

Jesus in Himself is hope, we hope in everything in Him, He is hope and our only hope, without Jesus we have no hope at all.

When I think of all the great saints who were martyrs , Joan of Arc etc, they could not have died for their faiths if they did not have hope in Jesus and a life everlasting in heaven, their souls must have glanced heaven in such a way as to fill their hearts and souls with such HOPE

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

too late, I know, but I thought of you earlier when I was scrolling the cuf.org website under faith facts, there is an article on faith, on hope and on charity with great references. that is Catholics United for the Faith
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