Hot Cross Buns

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I went out shopping with Sr. Elaine last night to get yeast. I’m getting ready to make hot cross buns again this year. I hope and pray all goes well.

I thought I’d share a post this morning that I wrote a couple of years ago. It includes some interesting details from the history of this Holy Week tradition.

I just finished mixing up my dough. In the almost six years that I’ve been here at St. Anne’s, it’s become tradition that I make hot cross buns to serve for our residents’ snack on Holy Thursday afternoon. Actually, they have traditionally been a food for Lent and Good Friday especially. However, serving a special homemade treat seems more appropriate, to us here, for Holy Thursday rather than during the solemn fasting of Good Friday. Also, Holy Thursday is the day we gratefully remember the first Eucharist, when Christ gave the “Bread from Heaven” for the first time. To me, it seems fitting that residents enjoy these little breads on that day.

This time of the liturgical year is busy and a bit stressful since I serve as sacristan here, but I still like to take the time to make Hot Cross Buns. It’s a kind of neat way of keeping our Catholic cultural…

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Thanks for sharing. Now I want to go find someone who makes them. I’ve never had one, myself. 🙂
They are my absolute favorite thing to have for breakfast with a steaming cup of coffee. I am truly “suffering” this year because I went low carb for Lent this year and cannot have anything made with sugar or white flour. But Oh…what a glorious Easter morning breakfast I will have! I will celebrate the Risen Lord with the return of my beloved hot cross buns!😉
I am getting ready to make my hot cross buns too.😃

I also made a Simnel cake this year for Mother’s Day, it is also an Easter cake as well. It also has an interesting and Christian linked history.
I’m excited about making hot cross buns next week. Hubby and I are managers of a small apartment complex. Our tenants are mostly older, single guys, with no family or friends. It’s really sad, but we have become good friends with most of our people. We are opening up an empty apartment on Easter Sunday and will be serving a HUGE dinner to all our tenants. 2:30pm, bringing your own plate!

I will also be making pans and pans of hot cross buns and will walk them to the guys on Good Friday. And fresh butter. I always make butter on Good Friday. Hubby and I used to take hot food to the hungry and homeless in Detroit, but since we now live 500 miles away, the apartment tenants are our new Detroit. 🙂

I have back surgery upcoming, also both hands/wrists need surgical work as well. But, you know what? I figure Jesus hurt more, so I can put up with a little more pain to make our guys happy. What really makes me happy, is that the guys have no problem with our praying before we eat.

But, I digress.

Does anyone here have a really great recipe for hot cross buns that they’d love to share?
You can actually use frozen bread (sweet variety) dough that would save your hands all the kneading. However, the raisins may pop out on you.
But I love kneading dough! Just wondering if anyone has a super recipe from great-grandma or such. I have a remarkable recipe I created years ago that I will be using. I put currants in and I know a lot of recipes call for mixed glace fruits.
Hi Everyone,

I don’t have a recipe, but if you ladies and gents have one that you’d like to share with us here, I’d be glad if you could share the link if you have one, or the recipe if it’s not too much bother to ask you to post it, when you have the time. 🙂

I’ve never made Hot Cross Buns, but I’d like to try my hand at making them as I do like to bake, and I like to make bread, too.
Hi Everyone,

I don’t have a recipe, but if you ladies and gents have one that you’d like to share with us here, I’d be glad if you could share the link if you have one, or the recipe if it’s not too much bother to ask you to post it, when you have the time. 🙂

I’ve never made Hot Cross Buns, but I’d like to try my hand at making them as I do like to bake, and I like to make bread, too.
I just made mine today and this is the recipe I used.

This is how they turned out.
Hi Sean,

Thank you so much for sharing your recipe and photo! 🙂

Those Hot Cross buns look awesome!
We’re making ours tomorrow. I’ll probably freeze them for Holy Thursday afternoon.
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