House Blessing

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I’m having my house blessed in about a week but when my parish priest asked me what my motivation was for wanting this done I told him I hadn’t really thought about it but that I’d just like to have the house blessed and consecrated to God. So what are some reasons for a person having their home blessed what are teh benifits of having this done?
A blessed house, will be that. It will drive away many demon’s and the people who live there should hope for blessings from God.

St John Vianney could exorcise someone with a simple 5 second blessing. And many people reported reciving great favours from God after he blessed them.
The power of the blessing depends on the holiness of the person giving it.
You can bless cars, offices etc too.
John Russell Jr:
… The power of the blessing depends on the holiness of the person giving it …
So does this mean that some blessings are almost worthless while others are almost priceless in terms of their effectiveness but you really have no way of knowing which one you are getting since we can not see inside of the soul of the person giving the blessing? :confused:
Dear friend

If an Ordained Priest Blesses your house, it is the OFFICE of the Priest that is Holy. All Priests in this manner are Holy as they are a Priest in Christ Jesus. There is only ONE Priest and that is Christ Jesus, all other Priests in Apostolic Succession are ordained in His Holy Order.

If you were to sprinkle Holy Water in your house in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, this is a blessing upon it, but it is not the same as a Priests blessing, just the same I say at the end of my posts, ‘God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love’ it is a prayer of blessing to you and those you love, but it is not the same as a Priests blessing which is in the Holy Order of Jesus Christs’ Priesthood.

I think this is what John Russell Jr was referring to, not the holier the Priest as some are indeed more holy than others, but the Holiness of Christ Jesus is blessed and bestowedd upon you and your house by the authority of God the Father and by the power of the Holy spirit and His Holy Catholic and Apolostolic church. Just as a Priest can have sinned but that does not affect His OFFICE to consecrate the Host at Holy Mass, the Priests office is pure and cannot be affected by the actions of the Priest etc, even if the Priest should not even believe the consecration takes place, it does because the office of the Priest is infallible, though for example he may be a murderer (extreme example but you see what I mean)

God bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love

John Russell Jr:
A blessed house, will be that. It will drive away many demon’s and the people who live there should hope for blessings from God.

St John Vianney could exorcise someone with a simple 5 second blessing. And many people reported reciving great favours from God after he blessed them.
The power of the blessing depends on the holiness of the person giving it.
You can bless cars, offices etc too.
I agree. This power is given to every christian. This power is called the Word of God,the Sword of the Spirit. Every christian has the power to do some spiritual housecleaning in thier own homes. Its about time you use this authority and speak it in Jesus name. Satan has to flee in Jesus name. :eek: God Bless.
Sir Knight:
So does this mean that some blessings are almost worthless while others are almost priceless in terms of their effectiveness but you really have no way of knowing which one you are getting since we can not see inside of the soul of the person giving the blessing? :confused:
I believe that as Teresa says, the priest is acting in his office and regardless of how holy he is the blessing is still effective and good.
But, if I could choose who did the blessing. It would be St John Vianney.
Just as a Priest can have sinned but that does not affect His OFFICE to consecrate the Host at Holy Mass, the Priests office is pure and cannot be affected by the actions of the Priest etc, even if the Priest should not even believe the consecration takes place, it does because the office of the Priest is infallible, though for example he may be a murderer (extreme example but you see what I mean)
While it’s off-topic, I couldn’t ignore the need for a bit of catechesis. While it is true that consecration derives from the sacerdotal office and not from a priest’s personal holiness, the parts about a priest not believing and having an “infallible” office (what do you mean by that?) are problematic.

A priest in mortal sin can still confect the Eucharist. But proper form (here, the words), matter (bread and wine), and intent are required. The proper intent is the intent to do what the Church teaches occurs in the consecration of the species. While I suppose it may be possible that an unbelieving priest could still mean to do what the Church teaches, I think those odds are probably less than one in a billion.

The level of the presbyterate (priesthood) carries no infallibilities whatsoever.
At one time, before becoming a deacon, we had some very strange goings on in our home. Shortly after having our home blessed by a priest, things returned to normal. Folks who study such things, came to our home and agreed something was not right. Not every priest understands such things, but each diocese has a priest who is an expert in such things. This fact is not widely known.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony SFO
A priest in mortal sin can still confect the Eucharist. But proper form (here, the words), matter (bread and wine), and intent are required. The proper intent is the intent to do what the Church teaches occurs in the consecration of the species. While I suppose it may be possible that an unbelieving priest could still mean to do what the Church teaches,*** I think those odds are probably less than one in a billion. ***

Many Eucharistic miracles have happened at the very hands of non-believing priests. Do not underestimate God’s desire in having a particular priest do the blessing of a home or confect the Eucharist.

With all kindness, please remember that are some heretics teaching at your university. It is OK to learn and not criticize those of us “unenlightened” Catholics who don’t really want to argue semantics or theology. There are other boards and even places within this board that you can joust and jab and not be in poor form. Here, let us just pray, hope and don’t worry - to quote a simple Saint.
You said,"I’m having my house blessed in about a week but when my parish priest asked me what my motivation was for wanting this done I told him I hadn’t really thought about it ".

Your Parish Priest asked you what your motivation was. I think that is perfectly in order and proper. I am not a Priest, but if I was I too would ask your motivation. It was innocent.

In some houses, little children see people who, to the adults, are not there. Sometimes electric lights and eletronic devices start to malfunction for no reason. In some houses an animal will not go into a certain room, dogs especially. That Priest could have been asking to determine if he should ask another Priest for help.

I would be totally honest with the priest. If you were to ask me, I’d say there is some reason you asked for a house blessing. It might be for a deeper spirituality.

It would be in order for you to invite the Priest to Supper.
Exporter and Deacon both bring up very good points.

I also grew up in a home, where there was a “haunting” for lack of a better word. I was only 18 months old, so of course I don’t remember the situation although I grew up hearing about it. Anyway, Mom asked a priest to come and bless the home…and the occurrances stopped…at least for the time, and the particular one in question.

I think that he should have come back…I actually experienced other terrible things there, as did my brother and my Mom…but that’s for a different post. Our experiences really are in line with what I’ve read from Fr. Aamorth regarding exorcism.

Exporter, you said it would be appropriate to invite the priest to dinner…so let me ask you all a question on this same topic…

To set the scene…I bought my townhome in February, and I am a single woman. I have wanted to have it blessed but I am unsure of etiquette. I go to a very large parish–there are 3 regular priests and another whom is apparently visiting, but I don’t know for how long. So possibly 4 priests. Whom do I ask? All of them? Call the rectory and let God decide who’s available?

And being a single woman…I’d love to serve dinner to the priest, but with all that is happening in the Catholic world, would that be appropriate? I would like to make it an event as a part of another get-together…maybe a house-blessing party, but what if that doesn’t work?

At the very least I’d like to offer some hospitality, but I’m really not sure what’s proper here.

Maybe I should start a new thread?
When we moved into the house we’re presently living in, we were planning to move in after Christmas, and had scheduled to have the house blessed. Due to some other circumstances, we were able to move in earlier than originally planned, but didn’t change the scheduled date for the house blessing.

While moving in, my oldest son met a neighborhood kid who told him that the house was haunted (it had stood vacant for 4 years before we took possession of it). Subsequently, my oldest son was seeing some figure in a top hat moving through the house at night. Now, I don’t know if that was childish imagination or something really there. I do know, however, that he never saw this figure after we had our house blessed. (We had explained to our son that ghosts and the like would be unable to remain in the house after the blessing.) I did mention to the priest what my son said he saw prior to his beginning the blessing.
You bring up valid concerns with respect to a House Blessing. Don’t you usually sit near someone at Mass that you could invite, a lady friend?

An alternative would be to tell the rectory that you want to feed two Priests, or leave it up to the Priests. They all seem to enjoy homecooking. Why not ask in person? I would. Then you could ask the Priest if there was some particular food he’d rather not have. For me that would be Tuna Cassorole.😉
JCPhoenix, Ask a friend from church. Go in person to the rectory, not call via phone. Ask the priest to invite another priest or two. They all like homecooking.
Ask an aquaintance from church. Go in person to rectory and ask a priest to bring another priest if you want.

Were you trying to make a point? I kinda get that impression. :rotfl: :hmmm:

OK…so would you like to come over, too? I’ll grill steak with my special marinade…and serve broccoli and cali and other veggies with dip…maybe chips…or I could do a stuffed manicotti?

Or just spaghetti and garlic bread…or french onion soup…or garlic soup and chicken fettuccini alfredo or pork tenderloin with steamed veggies or something…


OR! I’m going to have a small wine and cheese/appetizer party in January…maybe invite them all then to stop by, have a house blessing as a part of the party?

So I take it you think I should ask in person.

Thanks for the advice!
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