House blessing?

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Does anyone know how I can go about a house blessing? Can it be done by me with Holy water and prayers? What prayers do you use to protect your house and the people who live there etc?

call your parish office, request the deacon or priest come over to bless your new house. You can bless the house and its inhabitants every night before bed, after you all pray together, sprinkle with holy water, and the invocation after night prayer: May the all powerful Lord grant us a restful night and a peaceful death. Amen. sign of the cross. Note: to be extrmemely accurate, when lay people “bless” their children, food etc. they actually ask God to bless, only the priest, in the person of Christ, actually blesses.another suggestion to keep your household free of evil influences get rid of anything that brings evil into the house, including the TV or computer if it is being used to broadcast evil.
I’m back after a hiatus and not sure what your background is but I can share what we did. We invited our priest to bless our home. We so enjoyed the blessing and his visit gave us a chance to prepare a special meal for him. We got to see a different side of him and to learn more about his background. It was wonderful.

Go for it!
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