I have recently sent letters to the Prime Minister and to my Member of Parliament to express my opposition to legal changes being proposed which may make abortion easier .
For some Catholics this would approvingly merit me a pro-life medal .
But how genuinely pro-life does it make me ?
There is something counterfeit about the whole thing .
Why ?
Because I read what is written below , and similar teaching in other sources , put as bluntly , but which I hear little of in Catholic circles .
" This Sacred Council urges all, both individuals and governments, to remember the aphorism of the Fathers, “Feed the man dying of hunger, because if you have not fed him, you have killed him” "(Gaudium et Spes)
And because I know that this poster below is pretty near the mark and that the Church’s teaching is true , I am not authentically pro-life by a long , long way .
Plus I am worse than the vulture in the photograph . The vulture will scavenge on the dead body of the child . I will have contributed to the death of the child because I prefer my cosy , agreeable , self-centred Western lifestyle .
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For some Catholics this would approvingly merit me a pro-life medal .
But how genuinely pro-life does it make me ?
There is something counterfeit about the whole thing .
Why ?
Because I read what is written below , and similar teaching in other sources , put as bluntly , but which I hear little of in Catholic circles .
" This Sacred Council urges all, both individuals and governments, to remember the aphorism of the Fathers, “Feed the man dying of hunger, because if you have not fed him, you have killed him” "(Gaudium et Spes)
And because I know that this poster below is pretty near the mark and that the Church’s teaching is true , I am not authentically pro-life by a long , long way .
Plus I am worse than the vulture in the photograph . The vulture will scavenge on the dead body of the child . I will have contributed to the death of the child because I prefer my cosy , agreeable , self-centred Western lifestyle .
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