How are you doing?

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This is such a tough time for people, I wonder how are you doing? How is your health, your job, your family, your community? Are you able to pull yourself away from the news and social media and enjoy your “offline” life?
I suffer from psychosis, so that aspect of my life is not great. I hear voices that tell me to do violent things to myself or to others. It’s OK, though. God never promised me that this life would be easy.
That must be do difficult! I will pray for you. Is there medication that helps?
Thank you for asking, yes we are well. How are you?

The only social media we use is CAF, other than the occasional phone call, text or email to those most important to us. The television is easily turned off or replaced by DVD collections. As for filling time, we turn to internal pursuits, by learning new things like painting, drawing, music, dancing, poetry & literature, just to name a few.
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That must be do difficult! I will pray for you. Is there medication that helps?
Thank you for praying for me. I currently am taking anti-psychotic medication called Olanzapine. It doesn’t eliminate hallucinations altogether, but it reduces the amount of hallucinations that I have.
You’re on my daily prayer list, @drac16. ❤️ We must pray, make the most that we can of each day, and send loving thoughts to each other.
This is, indeed, a tough time, @Lucy_1, well before the chaos that has occurred in our cities. I hope that many members respond to your thread.

Although I am old, most of my friends are in their 50s and 60s, with some in their 30s and 40s. Underlying everything that happens (or doesn’t!), all seem more cautious in every respect, talk about God, death, and the purpose of life far more than they used to do before this bio bug began ruling our lives, and they definitely spend more time praying and talking about prayer. They seem more introspective and contemplative than before the lockdown.

Other changes that I’ve noted:

Whatever personality characteristics were dominant before the lockdown seem to be even more so now, but most of those with whom I chat seem to reveal more facets of themselves now than before; they’re more multi-dimensional.

Their properties are more manicured on the outside and more Queen-of-England-ready on the inside. That’s not to insinuate that any were slobs, but that those who were always company-ready have added extra touches and their interiors are looking super spiffy. 😇

I hear more comments about home schooling as a distinct possibility for next school year, and families seem more cohesive. There’s more cooking from scratch and more family gardens, projects, and games. They all seem to appreciate each other, enjoy doing things together, and openly cherish each other far more than they did prior to the lockdown.

I think people are having trouble hiding their emotions. They seem to cry more frequently and laugh with more abandon. I look forward to heariing from others.
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Our lives are pretty much the same as before with the exception of how we can shop, see my in-laws in the nursing home or attend mass. My children are grown, so we are unaffected by schooling problems, other than my one son who will be starting college next month. We don’t have cable anymore, so there is little news watching going on. Retired, so no jobs to worry about working.

And still, there is still a sense that something is missing, that we have lost time somehow because things are less than normal. The rhythm of life has been upset and we are in a holding pattern, trying to figure out when everything will be the way it used to be.

I can’t complain. We are in a very low case area. We know no one personally that has, or had Covid. I realize my experience is not everyone else’s experience.

We are well, thanks for asking.
This pandemic and lockdowns, and the abandonment of lawfulness in our cities and elsewhere has everyone unsettled. Who knows who is going to be coming for whom and trespassing on property or worse. I think there’s a measure of paranoia, but also better preparedness.

I have been unsettled as I’ve watched our nation beginning to disintegrate before my eyes, and those in a position to do something about it sit on their lazy and indifferent duffs and do absolutely nothing. Everything under the sun is being politicized, and so-called public servants are mainly serving themselves.

I’m fervently hoping for a turnaround after this next election, yet I’m aware it may not as cut and dried as some folks think. There are a lot of gullible, greedy and selfish voters out there who would embrace socialism for what they think they can get out of it, at the expense of all the rest of us and our freedoms and rights.

It is unsettling, and I haven’t spoken to anyone yet who isn’t experiencing some sort of mental and emotional turmoil. We just don’t know what the outcome is going to be.

Our only real hope is that God is in charge and we have to trust Him, because we sure as heck can’t trust most of our “leaders”.

I work in my garden, enjoy my home, feed the birds and my kitties, and hope for the best. But – I still feel unsettled. We all do, I think.
You’ve written down those observations very well 🙂
Even though over here in Australia we have very few cv cases in comparison to many other countries ,I have noticed many of the same things.
It is amazing how much can be accomplished with nervous energy 😀 I managed to paint the little house,get the garden in order,work on projects long overdue…and friends and family were doing the same I realised ,back in the beginning

Cases are increasing daily in my state over the last couple of weeks ,270 today .After having no cases for a while and almost thinking it might be under some kind of control it is taking some readjusting to the thoughts of what might unfold.

It is Winter ,the garden is too wet to work in so I’m now painting the inside of the house.
The government gave stimulus payments and many people are renovating and repairing their homes .
Good for you. I’m trying to get there. I’m really worried and I’ve kind of lost my way and my sense of humor, lol. I need to stop reading so much news and spend more time with Jesus.
I am the same,I think I will try very hard to just look at the news once a day and not near bedtime.Make praying the focus of the day.
The last of my children moved out not long ago ,so that’s another change to adjust to 🙂
The virus has had an impact on my husband and my lives.

We both have conditions that would make getting the virus lethal … so we have had to be very careful.

The worst of the situation is that my daughter doesn’t totally distance, and it’s become too much of a threat to go visit her and see our grandchildren. That hurts a lot.

Second to that I am ill with various serious conditions, but I have been afraid to even have my blood drawn … but I am doing so tomorrow. I have had several telemed appointments with my doctors and they are demanding that I get the blood work done.

We have truly had to isolate because of my health conditions … my doctor told me that there is no way I would live through this virus … so my husband goes to the store for food wearing a large P100 respirator and a face shield.

One good thing is that we bought a boat for my husband’s retirement this past year and he gets to go boating whenever he likes. It’s the one time he can be outside without a mask … once he gets on the water. Thinking again, he also doesn’t need to wear a mask outside in the yard so that’s good.

We’re just waiting and hoping for a vaccine so that we can get to see our grandchildren.
I’m so sorry. I will pray for your protection tomorrow, and for peace. Do they have grocery pick up or delivery where you are?
Thank you so much. They do deliver the bulk of the groceries, but for some things my husband does have to go out. I’m mainly homebound, but occasionally my husband takes me out for a drive.
My job is in health care and it’s been extremely stressful since this all hit in March. Protecting our patients and staff from the virus has been a huge challenge and people are starting to crack under the stress of it all. I am dealing with some minor-but-annoying health issues right now that I am convinced are stress-induced. Poor Mrs. Glennon is being a saint through all of this but I know she’s concerned about my physical well-being (I had a heart attack a few years back).

I have given up watching the news on TV (at least national news) because it’s all-gloom-and-doom-all-the-time. Yes, we’re in the middle of a very serious situation. But a steady diet of nothing but bad news is not good for anyone’s emotional, spiritual, or physical health.

The pandemic has turned by spiritual life upside down; I’m one of the groups that are being actively discouraged from attending Mass due to my job. I don’t have a problem with that and would stay away even if it weren’t explicitly stated by my Bishop. But it’s a huge hole in my spiritual life.

I am just hoping and praying desperately for two things: A vaccine as soon as possible and a return to normalcy for all of us. Soon.

One bit of normal in my life right now is this forum. Thank you to everyone here for providing a little bit of normal for me in a very not-normal time.
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