How bad of a sin is it to struggle with forgiving people?

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I was really bullied all throughout my years at school and it took a huge toll on my mental health and well being. I know that I have to forgive my bullies and I do want to forgive them but they made my life so miserable and hurt me so deeply that I’m struggling to forgive them. Am I a bad Catholic for that?
There is no sin in struggling to forgive. You are definitely not a bad Catholic. Are you getting help to deal with and overcome this?
You must forgive them in some way, maybe say the prayer “forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” You are putting it in God’s hands. A big burden will be taken off your hands if you do this.
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No, you are a good Catholic because even though it’s hard for you, you continue to work on forgiving them!

I would suggest that you talk with a priest about forgiveness. Some people think they are not forgiving “properly” because they do not want to see the person, but forgiveness does not require that.

If you talk with a priest, he will be able to help you.

Also, if you feel like the effects of the bullying are still in your life, then talking with a therapist would help with that. Being bullied can be very traumatizing.
It is easy to forgive. Say a prayer something like this: Dear God you know so-in-so who is hateful to me? Heal his hatefulness. No matter how painful that may be. I don’t want him to go to hell but
Anything short of that is okay. Eventually I want him to go to heaven. Help me to be loving and kind! Amen.
I am sorry to hear about your struggles. You are not a bad Catholic, you continue to try to forgive them and I commend you for that. There has been many people in my life that I needed to forgive and still do. I pray for them and say “Lord have mercy on them, they know not what they do.” I once did a guided meditation on forgiveness and the leader had us say in our hearts, “I forgive you, I love you, you no longer have a hold on me.” Maybe try talking to a priest.
Forgiveness does not mean you have to let them back into your life. I recently went to reconciliation and it was very good for my soul, or overall mental state, if you will.
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As long as you’re struggling, and haven’t just given in and decided to hate them, you’re not bad. You’re fighting the good fight.

Remember Corrie Ten Boom’s prayer when a mean Nazi guard who’d abused her and her sister in the prison camp came up to her at one of her talks and asked for her forgiveness. She was still angry at him. She prayed something like, “Lord, forgive this man. I can’t” and the Lord came over her and gave her the strength to tell the man she forgave him. You might need to just give it all to the Lord and ask him to help you.

Also, as others said, forgiveness does NOT mean you need to let them back in your life. I’ve forgiven people I don’t speak to and probably will never speak to again on earth because our relationships were toxic and it’s better to just not interact.
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Read R. Scott Hurd’s book – Forgiveness, A Catholic Approach.
Forgiveness is tough, but will prayer and through God’s help, you can get there.
No. Struggle isn’t a sin in and of itself. An obstinate refusal to forgive them would be sinful, but it doesn’t sound at all like you’re there.

If you can wrestle with and defeat this problem, it will be worth it. This quote gets attributed to a lot of people: “Resentment is taking poison and then waiting for your enemy to die.”

Forgiveness liberates us. Once you attain this wonderful peace of mind, your bullies for once will no longer have power over you.
I suggest the Stations of the Cross as a meditation. Look at how Jesus forgave those who abused Him.
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